2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

Bar complaint against Gohmert.

totally normal


And when that doesnā€™t happen theyā€™ll forget it was ever a thing reported by that guy and will continue to believe his next lie and his next and his next and ā€¦


honestly this is one of those things that I could conceivably see might have a kernel of truth at it - but like most things in the trump distortion field, has been completely flipped upside down by brain worms. i.e. itā€™s at least conceivable that trump had sent some sort of backchannel probing to the biden camp to see if he could get pardons for himself (and, maybe, his kids) in exchange for not starting a war with iran or unleashing brownshirts or whatever.

Respond with the Danny glover laughing gif.

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Iā€™m sure it will go nowhere, but this is super fucking egregious behavior for an attorney. Literally advocating for violence if the judge doesnā€™t rule your way while the case is still pending? I really canā€™t think of a higher form of attorney misconduct tbh, other than maybe actually assaulting or murdering the judge hearing your case.


What is the point of these professional conduct boards?

The only thing attorneys can actually get in trouble for is stuff thatā€™s already criminal behavior. I suppose having sex with clients is the one thing I can think of off the top of my head, just make that a criminal offense and save everyone the bar dues.

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Attorneys get into trouble all the time for things related to money. Things that arenā€™t necessarily criminal (like comingling funds).

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Also, if he was a normal attorney and not a politician and he advocated violence if a ruling didnā€™t go his way on a non-political topic, heā€™d snap be disbarred. Itā€™s just that the bars/ grievance committees/ whatever tend to not want to touch these ā€œpoliticalā€ disputes with a 10 foot pole.

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Itā€™s not a political ā€œdisputeā€ though, itā€™s inciting violence. Itā€™s obvious disbarrable conduct. Bill Clinton lost his law license, zero reason for these assholes to get a pass for far worse conduct. Itā€™s rewarding bullies.


I donā€™t disagree with you.

Wait, youā€™re saying the truth was that Trump was asking for a pardon and we end up with a post says that Biden is the one getting the pardon.

Iā€™m not sure ā€œkernel of truthā€ applies here.

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Right, what weā€™re looking for is ā€œItā€™s always projection.ā€


No, Iā€™m saying that is at least plausible

OK, so what exactly was the ā€œkernel of truthā€?

What I said

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Yeah, and what was that kernel of truth that you conceivably might have seen?

Anyway, how about impeaching trump again for this call to the Georgia Secretary of State? That would really trigger some dipshits


I actually think that would be a great idea. Divert Trumpā€™s attention from whatever burning shit down he is going to be trying to do.

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