2020 Election Thread 3: Bernie Memes

signal to the q crowd

In the joint statement on Sunday, the Republicans — including seven senators and four who are to be sworn in on Sunday — called for a 10-day audit of election returns in “disputed states,” and said they would vote to reject the electors from those states until one was completed.

The group is led by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and also includes Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, James Lankford of Oklahoma, Steve Daines of Montana, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Mike Braun of Indiana, and Senators-elect Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Roger Marshall of Kansas, Bill Hagerty of Tennessee and Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

Together with Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri, who announced this week that he would object to Congress’s certification of the election results, they bring to nearly one quarter the proportion of Senate Republicans who have broken with their leaders to join the effort to invalidate Mr. Biden’s victory. In the House, where a band of conservatives has been plotting the last-ditch election objection for weeks, more than half of Republicans joined a failed lawsuit seeking to overturn the will of the voters, and more are expected to support the effort to challenge the results in Congress next week.

In their statement, the Republicans cited poll results showing most members of their party believe the election was “rigged,” an assertion that Mr. Trump has made for months, and which has been repeated in the right-wing news media and by many Republican members of Congress.


Was not aware of this. Judge said “show me” and campaign said “nah”.

I feel like the only purpose of all this nonsense (and 90% of GOP congresscritters know this, the rest are dumb enough to believe there’s voter fraud) is so that Fox/OANN/Newsmax can spend the next four years referring to Biden as “so-called President Biden” or his “disputed presidency”. Like literally not ever saying his name without a qualifier in front of it.

Can one of these Republicans explain why “not following their own election laws” is translated to mean that the other guy wins?

Fuck all these assholes. Forever.


@mosdef Grand Unifying Theory of Contemporary Conservatism:

Double standards are not only acceptable, they are in fact desirable and the sign of a well functioning society.

It is amazing how much Republican “stupidity” is fully explained by this simple foundational belief, AND how much eDem futile centrism is explained by their steadfast belief that it simply cannot be so that Republicans are that, well, evil.




So, I guess this was the last presidential election that a Dem could win, right? Good chance the GOP takes the House and holds the Senate through 2024, and then they can throw out the re-election of Biden (or Harris or another successor) via simple majority?

Technically, they can’t. That’s what the safe harbor law says. They can’t reject electoral votes from a state that certifies by the safe harbor date. Whether or not hte lol Supreme Court actually stopped them though, yeah, probably not.

It just makes sense!

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you clearly haven’t read the constitution where it specifically says under article 3 if it triggerth the liberalth, it legalth


That was pretty good.

It’s a belief that there should be a caste hierarchy, and one’s place in that is all that matters. The R base is cool with the R elites being corrupt and hogging most of the wealth, as long as it means the base can assume their rightful place - winning out against minorities in all situations.

This got a hearty chuckle with a long giggle trail afterwards. Thanks for the laugh.


They finally broke Preet.


But is he too angry to post about it!? @Preet_Bharara

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Election law expert/lobotomy victim chimes in:

Gohmert clarifies postion/expresses deep admiration of a black person:
