Detroit spites the cat teams and goes for Biden.
New polls based on mascots are more accurate, Nate Schefter reporting.
Random thought: fuck Ohio forever. I never want to hear about that goddamn state in my life again.
Does a flying elvis count?
How many votes left in Pennsylvania? Assuming 175k is stale?
It will ladies, don’t worry.
Maybe we need a separate thread for memes and conservative tears
I know nobody needs to hear this, but goddamn, Trump cultists the most batshit fucking crazy people on this Earth.
If he doesnt have a 5 minute song and dance built around the We Got Him button, I am going to be sooooooooooooo sad
It’s probably close. It has the right Philly and Allegheny #s. And is marked 11PM and we haven’t seen a drop in 40 mins.
Ahem. What this thread needs is MORE memes and conservative tears. Especially conservative tears.
I think this one is fine. Not going to be much in the amount of results beyond the occasional trickle and then onslaught of concession memes. But the memes are increasing exponentially, so I’m open to another thread whenever.
ga deficit went back to -1805. i guess another county reported 1300 votes? any way to tell which?
Must have been a very Trumpy place - maybe military?