2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I don’t see how that works out too well without all the free publicity he gets now. The profit margins on the domestic grift won’t be nearly as high. Laundering foreign money won’t be easy. He’s lazy. Crazy talk only gets you so far. Money will be a problem. I guess a friendly actual billionaire could fund him but who is that going to be?

Yeah it was

how is money a problem with the 1000x match he gets?

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c’mon now. it’s 1000% match, not 1000x.


If I could convince myself that was a thing, I’d want to conspire with Trump to get some of that free money by demanding a mere 500% kickback on my donation.

VoteFor already cutting into my potential profits tho.

It’s his narcissism/ego. He will be back in 2024.

And his toadies will push him to do so. His droppings are the first real taste of power they’ve ever had. Trickle-down economics feels like a fine solution if it’s the only one you leave for yourself.

Obv I am referring to Don Jr and no one else.

No idea if this is legit or not, this is me delving into the derposphere, but…


he called for it before, it’s legit but he can’t order it

Me too but if you’re a Republican you know you only need Perdue to hold the Senate. So you can let the sexism flag fly, or just vote against the woat candidate, and still be voting to hold the Senate.

I realize the absurdity of the Trump election stuff needs to be pointed out, but this person is legitimately mentally unwell, no? WTF.


While the political parties have sorted themselves so that there are almost no moderate or liberal Republicans and few conservative Democrats, I think it’s also true that there are more people who have mostly ideologically consistent views on the left and right.

What really seems to be driving polarization, though, is increased negative affect towards the other party.

I know a former co-worker that plans to vote for Warnock and Perdue. He’s voting for Perdue because he “doesn’t like Ossoff” (I think because he’s skinny and handsome), and he’s voting for Warnock because he “doesn’t like Loeffler”.


Very good points.

Evidence suggest most people just vote their party.

I know I have seen some research that a lot of people simply vote the party they were raised in, sort of like why most people are a Christian. I can’t find it right now though.


I would note that a 4% difference can lead to a large difference in outcomes (ie. Biden/Trump 50/50 and D/R Senate 54/46).

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Good point.

To clarify, I’m saying that there are more people with consistent ideological views than there were 20 years ago, not that there are more people with consistent views than inconsistent views. People with inconsistent views are still a plurality vs consistently liberal or consistently conservative folks, but there are fewer in the middle than there used to be.



There are just no words anymore.

There are plenty of words, but many of them are considered highly offensive.