2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


a) Trumpism is FAR more pro-war crime and with the average deplorable’s full blessing and support, Trumpism is just bomb the shit out of everybody. Don’t hear much about it because the result is less US soldier deaths in exchange for way more foreigner civilian deaths, just the way the average deplorable wants it. Take the Oil, Kill the Families, etc., this is what the deplorable wants, wasn’t brainwashing, Trump was giving them what they demanded.

Bushism sent troops on the ground in a futile attempt to “win hearts and minds.” Bad and US troops end up torturing people and shit instead of actually winning hearts and minds, but not morally inferior.

b) Trumpism is openly cruelly anti-immigrant whereas Bushism wasn’t. Again this is a demand of the average deplorable, not something they just went along with.


I think the Lincoln project types mostly want to work within democracy while doing shit like voter suppression and not allowing black people to vote as much as possible to gain an advantage, but still a stable democracy.

On the other hand deplorables want full outright fascism and putting their enemies in camps.


Also good points. Trumpsim led us to outright pardoning insanely horrible war criminals.

Like bushism is still insanely bad and the LP guys can fuck right off and did absolutely zero good, but they’re still less awful than Trumpsim.

I do agree though that they’re mostly a product of propaganda. Like there are definitely lots of Trumpers who are decent people in the sense they’re good fathers, brothers, neighbors, friends etc but have had their brains melted over the last 20-30 years. Like sure a huge chunk of them are irredeemable pieces of shit, but a good chunk are simply brainwashed as well.

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Same with the Dr Cox “wrong wrong wrong” clip… he ends up being wrong himself.


Cubes getting his ass handed to him on Twitter for whining Dems don’t work with Mitch. He replied to AOC so she’s probably gonna flat out tell him he’s a moron.


And she responds lol.



Mark Cuban is just a classic example of a pretty smart guy who got rich and has now spent like 20 years living in an alternative reality where nobody ever tells him he’s wrong or to shut the fuck up and read a book or something. I suppose he’s going full “BOTH SIDES” to set up a Ross Perot - style POTUS bid or something, but dude just shut the fuck up. LOL “work with Mitch McConnell.” Fuck you.


This is an accurate take.

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Mark Cuban is the kind of guy who brags about reading Atlas Shrugged.


Yes he is. Jesus Christ do I hate people who like Atlas Shrugged. That being said I’ve flipped a fair few of them over the years (Getting an econ degree was basically just hundreds of arguments with libertarians). Cuban is probably embracing it a little too cynically to flip though.

I’m glad the first thing I read from Ayn Rand was Anthem because it’s less than 100 pages and clearly told me that I never need to read anything else written by her ever again.


Cuban is setting up for a 2024 run and that’s exactly what he’ll run as (only as R). It’s not a dumb strategy in any way. Fraudulent sure, but it has lots of equity.

Most of the people who we’d label as main-stream economists are functionally the same as christian apologists–defending a faith-based philosophy, which in their case is centered around the mysterious ways of the Free Market rather than a deity. The Atlas Shrugged fans are the equivalent of biblical literalists, who insist their favorite fiction is an accurate depiction of the real world.


I took a class on political ideologies. Anthem was chosen to represent Ayn Rand “because it’s short”.

No, that was just propaganda.

Bush’s reasons for going in to Iraq in the first place were propaganda.

His sending troops on the ground instead of bombs only were not propaganda. The war would have been a hell of a lot more popular in the US if there were no troops on the ground.

Are you implying that Ingraham is not an honest woman? To the dueling garden my lord, to restore her honor and adjudge your life.

Ya think? To me he strikes me as the guy with a copy of Atlas Shrugged (or The Fountainhead) placed prominently in the center of his gorgeous coffee table, neither of which he has actually read.


Though Cuban seems smart enough to me to have read that one book in full and concluded he needs nothing more than any clip, excerpt, or quote from other works that can be framed in support of what he already believed anyway.

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