2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

jfc. and they thought an all tan suit was horrific…

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So the big guy businesses fuck over the smaller guys when they can. Got it!
I’m starting to see a pattern…

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Well, other than taking health care away from millions, banning abortion nationwide, and overturning Obergefell, sure. No messing with the election, but they won’t be twiddling their thumbs.

I’d be willing to bet that the court doesn’t make Obamacare unconstitutional in the pending case if you’re interested.

I don’t expect them to do anything, mainly I’m just curious what would happen if they were to do it. If 5/9 people on the Supreme Court were to decide they’ve had enough of democracy. I guess the House can vote to impeach members of the Supreme Court, but the Senate doesn’t need to rule to convict, same as what happened to Trump. It feels like all of the pieces are in place for them to effectively form a coup because over half of the judges are conservative, Senate majority, and Trump is still POTUS. What am I missing?

They don’t want the country to collapse.

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more importantly, they are not going to jeopardize their careers for Donald Trump. The SC justices probably view Trump the exact same way Mitch McConnell does.

This is interesting, makes the case that if the polls were systemically wrong then that also means Ds overestimated the popularity of the positions they have been emphasizing the last 4 years.


Well Alito and Thomas are true deplorables. Probably Barrett, too. Kavanaugh likely in that cohort as well but jury is still out a bit (heh).

Gorsuch the swing sane vote. Oof.


We have fallen so far that I assume his definition of deplorable is sincerely believing that Biden did the fraud and stole the election.

Now see here you little shit


The media spent so much time focusing on Kav being a rapist that almost no one ever really brought up how completely shady his finances are.


i knew he was a turtle but i never considered he might be a chameleon!


I’m fairly certain the conservatives on the SC are aware they are playing at team sport and that the owners of the team are the Koch Brothers. I think they start every relevant case all knowing the outcome they are playing to, and it’s their job to find the legal arguments that they want to use to get there. If they were who we are supposed to believe they are I suspect Roe would already be dead in a ditch.

I realize that mechanically it’s probably way more complicated, but it feels like a decent model for where things seem to end up with them.


We never did get any kind of answer about those baseball tickets, correct?

Maybe, but look Alito and Thomas personal life and it’s clear they are the two guys who think the wrestling is real. ACB we don’t know yet.


As I said, I was told repeatedly I was wrong about the PA margin and we finally hit my range as the counting continued.

This is, by the way, something weird in how even political junkies process election results. How many votes did Trump get? I bet a lot of people on this forum, in the top 1% of people for being politically informed, would say 70M.

It’s now 73.6M and Biden is closing in on 80M (79.5).

People have a tendency to pay attention until a race is called, remember that as the final margin, and ignore the rest of the count.

My favorite example is Sinema in 2018. It took like a week to call her race and a lot of people think she came from behind to win by a razor thin margin, but she actually went on to win by 2.4%.

I think there were some Congressional races in California that had a similar dynamic.

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lol, I don’t think it was even brought up once during his confirmation.

That’s a fair point, and they don’t all have to be on the team for it to be a team. They just have to have the deciding votes and the other two have to be willing to go along with them writing the opinions when it comes time to do what they want to do.