2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’m trying to quit


All together now

The Senate has no ethics at all


imagine whoring yourself to get more on the fuhrer’s radar

Because they’re doing so outside of marriage?




at this point with the crazy people all convinced trump really won, I hope we don’t shoot each other, well at least it’ll get it’s own special part in US History

the stupid civil war

that’s right so stupid it has to be mentioned as more stupid than killing each other over whether black people should be owned or not

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I’ll have you know the second civil war was fought over heritage, not based on news that was fake.


spoiler alert I’m just getting to that part

It really depends, but most commercial farms where I come from (Florida) aren’t billionaire level rich, but they have significant assets in their land, which they can usually sell and live comfortably for the rest of their lives if they can no longer farm. So if I had to guess, it’s probably pretty accurate to say that most of the poor farmers have left the business. On paper I think most people would consider my family rich, although being a rich farmer isn’t really the same as being a rich stock broker. For example, I can confidently say I’ve done more hard manual labor than all but maybe one or two people in these boards, despite growing up in a household whose net worth for most of my childhood would probably place us in the 1% (on this board at least).

You are right that depending on the type of product, farmers can get seriously abused by the buyers. That’s the reason my dad quit growing potatoes, the margins were basically negative and the asymmetry in information and resources between the potato chip companies who bought our potatoes and the growers was ridiculous. The buyers set the prices most of the time, because usually they have storage that can carry them through market shocks. We switched to growing sod and they have been doing great, relatively speaking. Basically for crops/products that become commoditized. Many farms just can’t do that for a variety of reasons so they struggle and either get into something else or go under.


Why are there still this many ballots left?

NY election administration is an absolute train wreck.


Large population non-swing states haven’t ever been pressured to reform their systems. Add in orders of magnitude more mail-in ballots and you get the reason why my absentee ballot has not been counted yet.

In New York, state election law dictates that mail in ballots cannot be opened until at least 14 days after the election (so they can be sure the in person vote has been fully tabulated and used to determine if you are entitled to vote by mail). This was relaxed by Executive Order this year, but yah, it’s gonna be a while.

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Yeah, this. It could be a carnival atmosphere, really. We’re all supposed to be relieved at worst. No idea why all that chest-beating seemed like a good idea. Get that out of the way the morning of like Nov 5th imo, dragging shit from election night itself after two weeks to crow about it is just weird.


In NY it’s directly because Cuomo sided with Republicans/fake Dems (the IDC) and vetoed election reform. Why? So he (along with his Republican/IDC friends at the time) could stay in power and more easily fend off primary challenges.

The IDC got routed a few years ago so Cuomo has to play ball now.


Mike regaling us with a completely unrelated anecdote - thanks Mike.


I’m old enough to remember the “Trump will be out of office before 2019” bet!


When are these court cases, if ever, going to make it up to the Supreme Court? I think there’s basically at least two sweats left at a coup at this point, whether the Supreme Court hears any of this bullshit that the lower courts throw out, and then, if they do, if they say lolFUdemocracy and just start burning ballots so Trump can win.

If Supreme Court does that, who has checks and balances over then? Anyone? Basically if they go rogue and just throw us all a middle finger, are WAAF? Is that when the Civil War begins?

The Supreme Court isn’t going to do anything. Biden will be president in two months.


The check on the Supreme Court giving Trump the election is the “fuck you” gambit. I wouldn’t care to guess whether that would be effective.