2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Honestly we might look back in 8 years and think, man it really would have been better if Trump won in 2020 and burned it all down which could have given us a 2008 style victory in 2024. Like if we get a market correction in the next for years.


Close to half the country lives in a fact-free world.

And their officials will do anything (eg steal Supreme Court seats) for their side.

The other side living in reality won’t counter-attack or even really put up a good defense.

I don’t see how things don’t just get worse and worse.

Biden will have 2 years of house but no senate and then 2 years of neither and then be booted out not having accomplished anything other than having not actively made things worse like Trump did.

This election was the chance for voters to right the ship and it didn’t happen. We just plugged the biggest, most obvious leak.

Cliffs: I’m no longer removing my WAAF badge on Inauguration Day as WAASF


I looked this up now because I was curious. Fun fact, Chuck Schumer is still in his 60s!

For 5 more days.


I’m still shook by all of this going forward, that’s separate from the election itself. I am deeply upset by the large percentage of votes Trump got nationwide. It’s appalling that someone that monstrous and incompetent could get 70M votes.

That’s not how that works. You don’t pick the three closest states that get you to 270. You sort by margin and find the tipping point states and work from there.

Arizona was already called so we weren’t worried about that one, though maybe Fox and the AP fucked it up. While Wisconsin was very close, by the early hours of 11/4, enough of the vote was counted and enough was outstanding in Milwaukee to make the outcome pretty clear despite the close margin.

This I agree with.

Looking back and analyzing the election like this is one thing, but in the context of 11/3 and 11/4, Arizona was called, the Wisconsin picture was clear based on outstanding vote (and it was called around 4am or something), and thus the election was looking very good for Biden.

If Trump won in 2020 he or one of his kids would have won in 2024, hands down.

I think that meeting was only needed if the lower board fucked around and refused to certify.

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For the WAAF crowd - there’s going to be a huge boost to the national psyche when we pull out of covid, and even the immediate relief from no more Trump chaos among ~70% of the country.

For 2022 - I don’t know if it will be enough to overcome anti-incumbent waves we get in off-cycle elections now, but maybe.

For 2024 - most of you are completely discounting the huge built-in incumbent advantage. If the stock market doesn’t crash I’m fairly optimistic about Biden cruising to re-election in 2024.

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The countries only hope is to primary as many old eDems as possible with younger/better candidates… and to run an actually effective marketing campaign targeting old people on FB. If the GOP’s next nominee is willing to go left on economic issues we’re going to get absolutely blown out.


Nah, Trump wasn’t going to settle for any wishy washy people in government for his second term like Bill Barr, Chris Wray, etc. It was going to be full-on Trumpists everywhere with “for my friends everything, and for my enemies, the law” type rule.

I mean as much as I would enjoy seeing all establishment Ds locked up on trumped up charges, not really sure that is a better direction for the country…


This. Trump’s second term was going to be unimaginable hell.


Let’s look at the other side for 2022

If handled well, the covid response should help D

No Trump on the ballot like 2018. What will R enthusiasm be?

D electorate has learned in 2018 and 2020 that they can make a difference.

Oh and lol Dems passing shit that makes it obvious that Mitch is the bottleneck.

biden i think is at best 50-50 to run as incumbent. willing to wager against it.

would really like to have kamala run as incumbent obv.

Shout out to DVaut1, who somehow foresaw in like 2003 that the GOP would eventually dominate U.S. politics by explicitly running on a “free shit, but only for white people, and don’t worry Hispanics, that includes you” platform.


I really, really can’t see Biden running for a second term. Dude is already old as fuck and struggling with that, and I think you forgot how much the presidency ages people who give a shit about their jobs.

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Very good analogy for my views on this election as well.

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Unless he literally declines into dementia I don’t see him or the Dems throwing away that incumbent advantage - which might be worth 5% or something.

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If we even just have a red ripple in 2022, Rs will have the levers of power to steal the 2024 Presidential election if they want to. And if Rs just spend the next four years purging everyone who stood up to Trump stealing the 2020 election and boiling the frog to “legitimize” the mechanisms by which they plan to steal the election…

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Except not deliver on any of the free shit except billionaires and a few rich farmers.


incumbent advantage evaporates quickly if there’s a primary challenge

Biden won a primary in 2020. Who’s going to challenge him as an incumbent in 2024?

I wouldn’t assume that the eGOP loses here. They’re a good bit more competent than the Dems… and a huge % of their career executive people quit the WH in the first year. I think a purge is coming after Donald exits stage left and they fix the rules of their primaries so they don’t lose control again.

Trump wasn’t even going to stand for non-Trumpers as career government employees. Feel it hasn’t gotten much attention, but he made EO that would allow them to fire anyone who had a role that touched on policy decisions. A broad reading of this would be pretty much any non-administrative employee (e.g. entire DOJ touches on policy since they are effectively making a policy decision regarding what types of cases to investigate and bring).

If Trump one, I wouldn’t be shocked if every D in government was fired and those remaining were required to take oaths to Trump.