2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON



Anybody have some theories on Linsey Grahams endgame? What is he even trying to accomplish? Is he a true believer? Is there some blackmail floating around out there heā€™s worried about? Iā€™m perplexed. The guys a comfortable sitting senator. If he didnā€™t lose this year heā€™s probably safe forever. Whatā€™s going on?


Note the date:


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at the time he was not sure if he was going to win either

My uneducated and total guess is a lot of these guys carried out crimes for trump and are worried about when this is over if heā€™ll squeal or if stuff will come out


My biggest question for people like this is whether they believe Biden was ā€œselected by Godā€ in the same way that Trump was, or does that work differently for Republicans and Democrats.

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Katie nipping that in the bud lol. I wouldnā€™t want to get roped into this either.

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Since itā€™s always projection with these guysā€¦?

Donā€™t want to be a conspiritard but it does seem like the mail in ballots really screwed up some plans.

Best comment Iā€™ve seen is that the biggest evidence that Lyndsey was up to no good was the simple fact that he made the call.


nah Satans minions were able to do enough work to get the upper hand for this election bro

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No, only republicans are selected by god.

I had a hard time not responding to ā€œI will always stand up to wickedness and hypocrisy.ā€ Trump is the human embodiment of every sin you can imagine. Iā€™ll never forgive the church for throwing nearly 90% of their support behind him. Iā€™ve told christians who have since tried to ā€œsaveā€ me that if Trump represents biblical and godly values, thatā€™s not a religion or god i want anything to do with. And if it comes down to it, Iā€™ll be glad to give him the finger on judgment day.


Iā€™m like 10% serious suggesting heā€™s taking a bullet to delegitimize the election

most of what I have seen is people either claiming that he is very religious and isnā€™t a huge sinner, obviously in denial, or the smarter ones say something like ā€œgod uses imperfect people to accomplish his willā€ etc


Yea, I know, I grew up with these people and studied christian apologetics for a long time. I know all the lines. The thing is, even I thought better of these people and that they wouldnā€™t go all in on a guy who was recorded bragging about sexual assault (among a million other things).These are the same people that get whipped into a frenzy whenever they see sexuality on tv.

The hypocrisy is just staggering to me. Theyā€™ll never live it down. The young have basically abandoned the church, itā€™s a dying institution and trump may have well been the final nail.


Yes I think the Trump era fully exposed the evangelical movement for what it really is. Define that however you want. Prior to Trump there was still a part of me that thought maybe these really were just people taking a (mostly good?) belief system too far.


Kind of wild watchign the GA SoS destroy his career by having a sliver of integrity. Am I wrong in saying this man should be celebrated? We got a bunch of people calling for his head from his own party and heā€™s basically telling them to fuck off, and even exposed Lindseys bullshit.


I think him switching parties is more likely than him continuing to have a career as a Republican. But letā€™s be real thereā€™s a very real chance his next job is absurdly well compensated at some Koch brothers frontā€¦ and it all happened because this is the result the plutocrats wanted.

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Just reported a four day old post and donā€™t even feel bad about it




So what does that mean? Trump has a real chance of catching up?

Not according to the guy who wrote that tweet thread, at least not as of yesteday.