2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I’d like to think that Mississippi searching for “pron” is really a result of their shitty public schools rather than a genuine typo or a way to browse porn at church with nobody knowing.


What the hell is pumpkin porn?

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Better not have anything to do with sweater vests!


Do a search on Pornhub and find out!


This has been a thing in the hivemind for at least a year. They collectively convinced themselves that the nazis were communists/socialists because the name of their party was the “national socialist german worker’s party.”

It’s been a really obnoxious debate I’ve gotten into with deplorables umpteen times that despite socialism being in the name of the nazi party, they actually had a complete opposite ideology and their political opponents were more aligned with modern socialism than they were (ofc because they were an extreme right wing party).

It got so exhausting I just gave up. I don’t even try anymore. They seriously all believe this.


It’s been spoken into fact.


Have you tried asking them why the nazis and the socialists/communists in Germay had been fighting and killing each other for years?


this is as deep pun intended as i’m going


apparently that last is a video game because why not rule34 that shit

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Now I am curious how closely those Trump searches match the election results and if they have any predictive power.

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“Fake news”

Yes. I have tried everything. But it’s pretty pointless to try to talk about even the most basic nuances of 1930’s german politics when they can’t even get past “BUT THEY HAD SOCIALIST IN THEIR PARTY NAME!” It always just keeps coming back to that.

I think some of them are aware that on some level it’s really fucking stupid and I’m not sure if they truly believe it or are just trolling. But try bringing that subject up with the next deplorable you know. Roughly ~75% of them believe this.

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It’s complicated by multiple definitions/aspects of what socialism means now and meant then. What the Nazis really really really were not is liberals. Not in the modern USA sense or the classical (UK) sense. People argue about fascism as well. The Nazis were reactionaries/conservatives.

The Nazis are better defined as ultra-authoritarian.

Exactly - they couldn’t be. but i don’t think it’s really all that complicated. It’s basically accepted by everyone who is not a moron that the nazis were a right-wing party. But, I’m telling you, they can’t get past the socialism in the name part. All thinking stops there.

I’m really serious, if you guys want an exasperated laugh, bring it up with the next moron deplorable you know.

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A lot of people argue it. The Nazis had a lot of pro-worker policies and they believed in a strong central government that was the ultimate authority on everything. That is some people’s definition of socialism.


Please stop. I can cope with imminent fascism but I can’t cope with this.

Here’s a good wapo article on it
