2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON



Map finally filled in for you OCDs out there

306-232 official total

2 more than Trump got in his “historic overwhelming victory”


lol, still .90 on PI


So if Trump isn’t challenging AZ any more, does that mean that Bovada will at least pay those bets soon?


It’s actually the same, right, except for faithless electors?

Looking at past elections, has to be greater than 50% we get a faithless elector in this election too, right? Maybe more likely for Trump, but 306 isn’t a given.


This map always confuses me. What happened to searching for porn stars or categories? How is Trump a number one porn search term in a state? Do people search for that more than lesbian porn?


Incoming GOP Senator Doesn’t Know What WWII Was About
Tommy Tuberville said his father deployed to France to liberate Paris “from socialism and communism,” forgetting perhaps that Nazis were fascist.



Yep, 2016 was an identical 306-232, 2 of Donnie’s electors and 5 of Hillary’s decided to be shitheads.

Will be interesting to see if Facebook pls share!! stories hold up in court. Surprised it didn’t end with ‘and that poll worker was the baby Jesus!’

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Yeah Tubs is not bright, not even a little bit.

Possibly related?


But hey he was a football coach. He even had one undefeated season as one. Can’t teach those smarts.

Wedgie? We’re fucking weirder than Florida! Moving to Maryland.

Can someone do a Come Join Us pic with GA and the blue states?

It’s not that Trump was the #1 search, it’s that people in Florida disproportionately searched for him compared to other states. Searches for lesbian porn were probably relatively even between states.

Could be people clicking on the tab for categories rather than typing it in the search bar. I usually only search if I am looking for something really specific (stuck in dryer for example lol). For something broad like lesbians I’ll just click on the tab for it.

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Guessing you’ve searched for that before.

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This is a somewhat commonly held belief.