2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Arnon Mishkin. The apolitical decision desk head on foxnews who is, in fact GOAT. And yes, he totally looks like that guy. He’s the one who told Karl Rove to STFU when Fox called Ohio for Obama in '12 and Rove was arguing about it.

I’m doing my training this evening to participate as an observer in the GA recount/audit.


We say Reading Railroad in Atlanta also

How do they expect kids to know that Reading isn’t pronounced Reading?

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Also, this page does actually have a calculator for performing RLA post-election. Under no circumstances does the math call for anything close to hand auditing 5MM ballots.


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Of all sources, Pod Save America actually reduced my SHOOK level to close to zero. Will now try to tune out the insanity for a while.


My shook level went from 0.5/100 to -1/100 with that 36 second snippet from Milley you posted.


I umped an adult softball game as a teenager. If you want to see people become psychos, watch somebody make a close call at first base at a softball game among adults. People are out of their fucking minds.

Wow. A Meghan McCain tweet that didn’t infuriate me. That’s as rare as a unicorn.




This is what Donnie Dumb Dumb means when he says he’s a unifier. Because he’s so much worse than everyone else, we end up hating other deplorables less. Remember when W Bush used to do funny dances when he wasn’t approving war crimes? That was pretty great!


Is there any rational reason why AZ has been called but not GA?

No. Media hiding behind same logic they didn’t call Pennsylvania, something about a recount so they’re being consistent. Arizona doesn’t have a recount unless the margin is <200 votes I believe so that is over. Once Georgia is done their audit it will be called I reckon

Yeah so basically the media will call GA only when the results are certified, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a media project winners in elections.


It’s all well and good that Biden won Arizona, but given that the final margin is like 10,000 votes that means Fox screwed up big time calling it on election night, right?

I still don’t get it. One of the networks even talked about how they use the term “apparent winner” when it’s close, but looks like it could still go to recount.

Considering the count is done and now it’s just recount time, I think we can call Biden the “apparent winner” in Georgia.


Probably, it’s possible Fox and AP realized the remaining vote would have to break 3+ standard deviations away from expected for Trump for Trump to win and it broke 2.75 or something.

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Yes, I think they made very high level assumptions about the partisan composition of mail-in votes based on the sample of ballots they had to that point. They did not consider that there were large variances that depended on when the ballots were returned, and that the vote that had been counted was not a random sampling.

This actually screwed us in a local race I was working this cycle in GA. We were dead sure we had won the race, but then the “late early vote” came in at the end and swung it the other direction. We had two weeks of early voting, and the first week of early vote was considerably more D than the second week.

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Something the Great Nate Silver predicted based on infallible polling showing panicky Ds worried about their vote not being counted.

I dunno but I feel like it helped damper some of trumps bullshit in the beginning. Lots of non crazy trumpers accepted defeat after that. It was until days later the fraud thing really got going.

So regardless I’m super grateful they called it early. Absolute disgrace they waited two days too long to call the whole race though so kinda made their early call useless

In the end I’m just glad there was no violence. I think part of that is the pure delusion. A lot of them are still 100% convinced trump will win.

The AZ call was awful, they made a basic error most forum members would have avoided.


Hard disagree, calling AZ then and there was a BDE Alpha Move. I’m even more impressed.