2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON


I’m sick of shady Venezuelan and Cuban financiers running the world with their dirty money.


A deplorable shared this. I’m very tempted to comment “just signed up, thanks!” (He knows I am extremely against everything he stands for)

So, is this legit? If so how do we get a bunch of Democrats to sign up?

That has to be a marketing scam or something. There’s no recount activity in some of those states, definitely not in AZ. There’s no reason it would be coordinated by the Massachusetts GOP. And there’s no reason they would need to pay to fly random people across the country - plenty of observers could always be found at the local party level.

There are also strict limits on observers for these situations and they’re not high. Only 2 from each party were permitted in the counting room in Maricopa at any one time.


The only Versailles I recognize


So Trump isn’t the biggest dumb fuck republican out there.

Loren Culp, the republican candidate for governor in Washington state is trailing by half a million votes but it’s refusing to concede due to “irregularities”.


Trump is done. I was worried with the whole not conceding thing but at this point it’s over. It’s only a matter of time before he turns on the GOP. He will shit on the GA election in anger. We got this.

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Check out the R in the CA-37 race. He is down 245k to 40k with 99% in, but he says he won’t concede and that obvious fraud and irregularities cost him the race. These people are intentionally fanning the flames of fascism and stupidity.

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We are at T+9 days

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now these are the deploratears i’m here for


So they’re even fucking up scare quotes in their official things?

“poll watchers”


I assume that a spot as a Trump campaign Recount Poll Watcher can be yours for the low low price of a $1,000 donation to the Trump Campaign!

Nah, they’re irony quotes.

So did we ever figure out if the GOP can challenge every ballot/signature in the recount? Like can they drag these re-counts out for a super long time, or is it a simple count?

I kinda feel like this protects him from prosecution. If like 50+ million people think he won the election and had it stolen from him, can you really prosecute him?

I think the dems simply don’t do it because it would motivate the base. Imagine the turnout if the NY AG charged Trump.

For sure he pissed a lot of powerful people off, but a cult of 50 million people protects you. Maybe you can go after him if that significantly dies down, but limitations will run out by then.

He was never going to jail anyways, and he will still be battling lawsuits for the rest of his life. So I guess it doesn’t change much, but this just further drives a stake in the heart of him facing consequences.

We got bigger fish to try in regards to democracy anyways, like the fact that the GOP voter suppression is about to be out of this world, they just picked up millions of new voters, and shit just looking overall depressing as fuck.


This was actually written by Nate. It was in an article he wrote on 538. Somebody just cut and pasted it here.


I have no idea who this guy is but he looks like the guy who is always trying to hire Ben to the accounting firm in Parks and Rec.