2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Become a ref for kids sports.

All people are like this in real life, some of them just haven’t found the right context.


Let’s eat grandma


No, it’s better to smash them on the street. Showing up to meet them on the streets pretty much ended the skinheads back in the late 90s/early aughts.

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Trump lawsuit in AZ is going nowhere.

The lawsuit was filed with some witness affidavits attached, and they also set up a website to solicit additional “evidence” (donttouchthegreenbutton.com looks like it’s already been taken down). As you would expect, people submitted a bunch of bullshit.

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge on Thursday began reviewing claims that some poll workers “incorrectly rejected” votes cast in person on Election Day.

But before attorneys could make their opening statements, a controversy emerged over part of the evidence submitted by a lawyer representing the president’s campaign.

President Donald Trump’s reelection team, along with the Republican National Committee and the Arizona Republican Party, filed a lawsuit Saturday alleging Maricopa County poll workers disregarded procedures designed to give voters a chance to correct ballot mistakes on Election Day.

The original complaint included signed declarations from a few voters and poll workers, and plaintiffs solicited several additional declarations from a website they created. Attorneys representing Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, one of the election officials who was sued, moved to have the online declarations tossed out Wednesday, arguing they lacked “any guarantee of trustworthiness.”

On Thursday, Trump attorney Kory Langhofer acknowledged some of the declarations collected through the site were not legitimate but noted those entries were removed. His team cross-referenced the remaining declarations to ensure voters were where they said they were on Election Day and that they were in a position to witness the alleged misconduct, he said.

Judge Daniel Kiley was unconvinced, however, and granted the motion to exclude the declarations collected online.

“The fact that your process for obtaining these affidavits yielded affidavits that you yourself found to be false does not support a finding that this process generates reliable evidence,” Kiley said. “This is concerning.”

He said just 191 of the 166,875 ballots cast in person in Maricopa County on Election Day included potential overvotes in the presidential race, up from 180 as of Monday.

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And by the way this part of the story is wrong:

The original complaint included signed declarations from a few voters and poll workers

The witnesses were all Trump voters or Republican polling place observers, not poll workers.

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My money is on All-InFlynn gimmick.

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I’ll accept it as a compliment, but
giphy (3)

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LOL there were people like these on every corner down here before the election bro

I was a little league umpire, can confirm


Not a ref, but when I was playing under 10s soccer a parent stabbed another parent in the foot with an umbrella. Went clean through apparently. Their children were teammates too. Sports parents are completely insane.


Janice is a GOAT TV character.


The kids were always great, the parents were always the woat

I’ll never forget the night I had to kick a drunk dad out of the park, like completely out, wound up having to get someone to call the cops and everything (this was in the 90s before cellphones were everywhere so it took some effort). That poor little boy and his mom were so humiliated. Just awful.

But there were dozens of incidents that didn’t rise to that level. Dads coulda Took 'Em To State if coach woulda just put 'em in, coulda threw that ball over them mountains living vicariously through junior acting like a dick and making a scene. Usually you could count on Assistant Coach Whose Son Also Plays was one to watch out for ~always.


One of the best things I’ve ever seen.

14? year old ref at my sons little kid soccer game. Motorcycle mama type was the coach on the other team. She’s screaming at the ref the whole first half.

He walks over at the half and yellow cards her.

She says something in the first 10 seconds and he red cards her. The parents of her team basically have to drag her off the premises. They came over and apologized after the game. I think they were happy she was getting reported to the league.

I don’t know that the kid said a word to her. Just booked her.


I used to get in verbal altercations on a weekly basis when I worked a public facing job. People in general are assholes and when you don’t put up with it like most people usually do, it brings on a pretty severe reaction.


Can't decide


Does anyone know the proper translation and pronunciation of fuck around and find out in French? Merci!


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Given a choice, I’d rather have a Star Trek universal translator than a Babel fish or telepathy. The latter two seem yucky.

People think that a touch is assault and that if they’re touched they can either press charges or legally beat the shit out of the person who touched them. They got that idea from watching cops.


I’m guessing that guy has a long history of begging girls to touch him.