2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Lolololol she owned the shit out of him so many times

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What is he even mad about? Did she have a Biden Harris sign or something?

Do you guys interact with people like this in real life?

Like I will go years and never actually see people behaving like that towards one another.


My wife still believes this and it’s really annoying if I’m honest.

I cant recall ever meeting someone like this in Canada. The closest I can think of is like at small town bars at 2 am there will be guys like this fighting (for fun i guess?)

Uh there’s 71 million of those people.

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anyone worried about this? i am honestly expecting a few of these schmucks to shoot each other by accident. but of course, trmp will lie about it and the counter-protesting will be covered as violent.

Lol, whomever redacted that really sucks at redactions.


That’s fair. If it’s a gimmick, I like them even more and Nate should consider hiring them like a real-life version of Multiplicity.




Am I alone and thinking we should just let them have their wittle “maga” March and ignore it and not give them any oxygen?

I’m not confident it’s the 100% best move, but it was my first instinct.

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So most places in NY started counting absentees today, and just holy shit at the bloodbath ratio of Dems to republicans at every level. Not shocking given the PA results but still. Biden’s definitely going to pick up another big chunk of popular vote share when NY finishes.


I’m sorry you’re struggling Chads. You are one of the very best posters on this site, and I know I speak for many when I say that that we appreciate you. I hope we can be here for you in some small way when things are difficult. All the best.


In case anyone was curious, this is a cut and paste from an actual article Nate Silver wrote on 538. So, yeah, not the real Nate Silver.


I’m guessing this could be relevant for several house races in NY where Repubs currently have bizarrely huge leads (even considering the polling errors)?

So you have no proof


I’ve wanted to see this strat. They thrive on opposition so leave them with none.

Not sure if it’s the right move but it would be interesting to see how they would handle being ignored.



I really, really, really want to stop paying attention to Trump, but the dude is such a clown that I can’t help myself


Depends on the context. “Former President Donald Trump is in hospital tonight after being assaulted by his cell mate…” I could live with that.