2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I wouldn’t be surprised if they get a fair amount of calls from people trying to reach the hotel.

That’s why in 2024, I’m ready to SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!

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Mitch and Joe worked together for six years in the Senate when Joe was VP and nominal head of the Senate to stifle any possibility of significant change.

How dare you suggest they won’t be able to do it again.


Now someone clip that and tweet it at the Bovada guy please.


Has anyone made the obvious “broke Trump has campaign deliver load of manure to gardening store to help make ends meet” joke?

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That nobody involved called it off and found an alternative location is amazeballs. Rudy’s mind is literally 99% home.

this place is actually less than a mile from my house. I stop for take out sometimes. Hope to catch Rudy on tour soon


It’s going to be a very bad sign if Biden does not attempt to appoint somebody progressives really want to an important position, whether it’s Bernie somewhere or Warren (don’t @ me snake haters) somewhere. He needs to fight hard and not pre-capitulate. Fingers crossed but breath not held.


Trump staffer: “is this four seasons?”

Four seasons landscaping : “yup.”

TS: “We want to hold a big press conference for president trump at the front of your property.”

FSL: “Prop… uh yeah sure I guess. What time?”


It’s a big writing room and they all want their Emmy submission episode.

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How do I set a reminder to best of this post every single month until the end of time?

Over the past few years, I’ve seen the following scenario theorized - “image someone waking up from a coma in 2018 and having to explain to them Donald Trump is president!!”.

Well imagine this scenario - having been in a coma from 2016-2020 and waking up post Joe Biden inauguration. Someone would have to convince you that all of the previous 4 years events actually just happened. And then Trump got another 70m votes. It would literally be impossible. I would be 100% convinced I was either dead or in a simulation.


This four seasons thing hits me especially hard in the funny bone because of my current job and it’s like, Organizing 101 to vet your venue.

Shit, we were mortified when we were playing music before Ammar came on at an event and the mix started paying “America, Fuck Yeah.” I cannot imagine the level of incompetence it takes to mess this up. And you now Trump is screaming at someone about it, which makes it even better.


Just a real shame it wasn’t the big wet boy himself forced to stand there.


This crew - and everyone associated with it - is 100% the dumbest bunch of fools ever to hold power, but even so, I have a very hard time believing that they “accidentally” got this landscaping place as a venue when they meant to contact the luxury hotel.

There’s got to be some rhyme or reason - some deplorable on the campaign has a connection to the place. The part of town has some unknown meaning. Anything. There’s just no way you try and book the Four Seasons and end up with what happened today.


Lately I’ve been thinking about printing all of Dvaut’s 2p2 posts into a spiral bound notebook. For my own reading pleasure, but mostly to leave around on the coffee table or something. Seriously some Nostradamus level shit.


So apparently Nate Cohn had a secret PA needle that he was too afraid to publish which showed Biden at greater than 95 percent to win PA since around 1 am on Wednesday:

Same time around when @anon38180840 was supremely confident as well.


Hey guys, just woke up again on the other side of the world. Any election updates yet?


If you’ve ever had to herd truly incompetent people you know this kind of absurd shit happens all the time.

nah. They’re just dumb.

I guess it’s possible they tried to book the Four Seasons after Donny made that tweet but they were already booked. So they went with plan b.