2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Have you gotten any good sleep yet?

Fox seems dying to cut ties with Trump. Just begging for the numbers that let them be first to declare he lost.

Iā€™m amazed you can sleep 11 hours during this nonsense. Impressive. Iā€™d be surprised if I had more than about 11 hours total since Tuesday.

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Can our foreign UP members share what their friends who arenā€™t as plugged in to politics are saying about this? I imagine this picture is fairly accurate.


I have slept about 9 hours since Tuesday.

whatā€™s with this discord thing? did this forum get split up too?

Be nice to the naive centrist. Attacking @iron81 is like kicking a puppy. He doesnā€™t know any better.

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Australia- fuck trump lol at America for ever electing this fool. They do think the chances of significant violence or unrest post election is high (I think itā€™s lower)


Iā€™m Canadian and I was explaining a lot of the details of this election to my neighbour (secrecy envelopes, PA not allowed to count until after the election, the Harris county bullshit, etc.) and he was blown away with how bad itā€™s been.

Generally people seem to think itā€™s stupid down there but donā€™t really know whatā€™s happening. When they hear the truth it doesnā€™t get better.


If .5 percent is the threshold then why has nobody called Nevada? Heā€™s up by nearly 2 points with everything remaining almost certain to cause him to gain votes.


Itā€™s barely an exaggeration to say I was one of those who were awake from Tuesday to friday morning. Two 2hour naps. In hindsight Iā€™m realizing more how wild that was.


Canadians have a default attitude to the US: ā€œYou people are so stupid. Please donā€™t shoot us.ā€


There is a thread for it with a link. Iā€™ve only been in voice last night and it didnā€™t really replace people posting here. It was a mix of joking around and serious takes.

Itā€™s true. I need to be awake to make sure that Biden wins.


I donā€™t have any ignorant friends. Theyā€™re well-informed and know what the score is.

They think the USā€™s electoral system and procedures are an antiquated joke but arenā€™t hopeful about the future becauseā€¦well you know.

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sleeping is a sign of weakness.


Iā€™m sure the desks made the calls, the networks are holding them. No way the desks arenā€™t convinced yet.

Iā€™m inclined to believe this, but do you have any links or evidence?


**[quote=ā€œjman220, post:3257, topic:3058, full:trueā€]

I have slept about 9 hours since Tuesday.

Aw man like I just said itā€™s way weirder after catching some zzz and waking up to no call.

I wonder how much of the vote jo jorgensen pulled from trump in these tight races.

Itā€™s kind of amazing to me, third parties entirely neglect local and state offices but every four years bring out some tired, uncharismatic nobody and expect the country to give them the election, and still a million morons are like ā€œIā€™m voting for the Excelsior party, Weā€™re gonna teach that two party system a lesson ONCE AND FOR ALL!ā€

Like honestly what even motivates these people to run other than fame and notoriety?