2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yea for some reason I was one of the only ones that was getting through. I was on a media lockdown and only in the discord and wasn’t following anything but my predictit dashboard. I just kept hitting refresh until the occasional request would come through. It was about 1/100 tries. Then once I got in I was able to just keep the page loaded and it would dynamically update, and when the numbers looked awesome I mashed the sell button and even that took like 40 tries. But it ended up helping me because in the time I was trying to sell my shares went up another few cents.

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I think Newsom is toast at the national level. His association with Dwight Schrute Speech Lady is going to haunt him forever.


Ban please. WTF?


Kornacki don’t sleep.

I’m not tracking the numbers, cause I’m pretty confident now, but ballpark is like 200-210K in Maricopa, and a smattering elsewhere. I think there’s still 12K in Pima that haven’t dropped yet.

I was thinking of that clip as they flipped lol

700 Club says the election is far from over. Showing Cory Lewandowski screaming and hosts are obviously bummed. I’m having a hard time looking away.


Game respect game

Pete is elite at some things the party really needs. I want him prominent enough for people to figure that out and learn it from him, but not prominent enough to be running shit with his lack of principles on healthcare and (presumably) foreign policy.


46th or 47th! We got a lame duck period to sweat.


RC car + spike strips seems like a great way to deal with this from a distance


For future reference, open your markets in different tabs and keep them there. It’ll still crash, but you only have to reload the one page instead of the homepage or the Dashboard, which have to process and load way more data from the various markets.

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The thing with pete that I think? (I was kind of drunk) we were discussing in the discord the other night is that he’s malleable.

Notice how this shit is always on the weekends. These $70k truck guys got jobs, and small businesses to run. They’re weekend larpers.

The main reason I’m not worried about them actually doing anything en masse.



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I don’t know these rallies have been going on for weeks, sometimes mid-week. It’s been clogging up traffic like crazy around where I live (orange county).

I agree these guys are mostly larpers but the language in the description is a little concerning. They could be easily tipped towards violence.


Or convince them to do a boat parade instead and they’ll just sink themselves.


Lol, Wut?

I know that hailing Philly is trendy right now, but Dems need to figure out what happened there to strengthen PA for the future. Lower turnout than 2016 (assuming there aren’t like 20K+ provisionals), which completely flies in the face of the national trend, and Biden will have run 3-4pts behind Hillary’s margins.