2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

The ultimate move after my trump dump when he was peaking, would have been to throw all my money on biden when he was at like 35c. But i didnt pull the trigger :/ was too convinced trump was gonna win

And half voted for a guy who pretended to be a Christian

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So Philadelphia (and PA) want extra credit for counting slowly?!?


Cant post this without the actual, real, academic paper with the proof.

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Crazy swingy events like this do happen, not exactly all the time, but very often.

It’s called Test match cricket.

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Fuck Yeah.

How many more outstanding votes?

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Nate Cohn, in New York 3m ago

So far, no one has projected Nevada for Biden, but this is all but a done deal. Virtually all of the remaining vote is from Clark County, which is heavily Democratic.

Call it




As long as they glue Trump’s eye to the TV it’s all good.

LOL MSNBC… stay tuned…we are changing the classification on an important state! Nevada is now… TOO CLOSE TO CALL.


I literally said, “give me a fucking break” when I saw it

Haha. When I saw them put up the image with “too close to call” I figured, ok, they’re going to flip it to Biden live on air!

At this point, I don’t see any call coming until PA is outside or very close to the recount margin (0.5), which would probably be late tonight at the earliest at the rate they are counting ballots.

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I just went back to yesterday’s tracking as a reference. While it felt like we were getting steady drops all day, it essentially took from 11am to 6pm to drop 120K ballots (roughly how many are left to count now).

These are gonna be a thing.

From the incredible experience of last weekends several thousand car MOTORCADE FOR TRUMP from San Clemente to San Diego we will now go North to Beverly Hills this Saturday November 7th. We will start at the Mission Viejo Mall (South side of Macy’s 200 The, Shops At Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA 92691) meeting at 9:30 am and departing at 11am sharp! We will go north on the 5 then 405 freeway and exit on Santa Monica Blvd turn right and take that directly to the Beverly gardens park Freedom Rally (9439 Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210). We will flood the streets of Beverly Hills with freedom. The purpose is a massive show of force to bring awareness to the Stop the steal movement

Note the bolded. Get ready guys, it’s coming

Told you guys these were going to be a different batch. They’re in the E-day dropoffs now. If this holds Trump has no chance in AZ.


I just couldnt’ get on predictit all night. Was just locked into my positions. I could have gotten out of clean sweep if I could have. Oh well.




Jesus, I forgot he was with the CIA. Man, Pete needs to go. Having Pete and AOC as your favs? Weird. Oh, well. It takes all kinds.

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