2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

When you win by a few thousand votes against the worst and dumbest human being alive in the middle of a once in a century plague and a huge recession then no, your strategy couldn’t really be described as good imo.


It’s wild. You scroll the feeds of the Bonginos and DJT Jrs., and it’s something that can’t even be described as an alternate realty. It’s something beyond.

I don’t even think they’re true believers either. Bongino’s in it for the grift, and Junior is desperate to avoid jail.

It is pretty much impossible. Convincing people to turn their backs on something that’s been a core piece of their identity for nearly their entire lives is a fool’s errand for the most part.

So, instead of trying to flip a sliver of the electorate, you need to expand the electorate. Appeal to young people. Appeal to the disadvantaged who think voting is useless. Shape their identity into thinking that voting Democrat is something that will benefit their lives in a tangible way, condition them to always vote and always vote blue, and keep them there over many election cycles, so that you have a built-in advantage for decades. None of the EDems will ever think this way, but it really is the only way to go.



The weird thing about this election (if Biden wins everything still outstanding) is that the only close state Biden lost is NC. Kinda crazy to think that there aren’t many other close pickup opportunities.

Texas and Florida maybe but this election did not show good things for Dems in either given the state of play.

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lol no.

Dems lost seats in the house, didn’t take the senate, flipped zero state legislatures and barely won the whitehouse( maybe). They also lost huge ground among lantinos the largest growing sector of the population.

Calling this a good strategy is indeed a hot take.


So mad


I think some clarity is gained here by framing things more abstractly. There are two possible questions you could be asking:

a) Why is it that p, the probability of an American preferring the Dem candidate, is always between say 46% and 54%?

b) Given that 0.46 < p < 0.54, why aren’t there elections where a candidate was preferred by 60% of Americans?

(A) was partly answered by others, and a full answer would be multifaceted and perhaps need a thread of its own. It’s mostly not a math question though.

(B) is simple: 160M is way too large a sample for that to happen. If p=.54 then the chance of achieving 60% is indescribably close to zero. The observed result will be damn close to p.


2020 US elections…



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lol fuck Jack and Twitter forever for this idiotic policy

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And it wouldn’t have worked if Trump had two debate performances as good as his second and a non-insane covid hospital stay. Crazy how close this election was.

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Stacy Abrams should absolutely take another run at the Governor’s mansion in 2022.


Lol, 2016 Jill Stein voters be like “Oops, not doing that again.”

Biden ahead in PA!@




If Republicans vote like they did in 2016 then every race anyone here thought had a chance would have gone blue. Trump’s turnout needs to be a big part of the story. It’s reasonable to assume he was the main driver of turnout on both sides.

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