2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Not really and I’m big mad about that

Gotta say that pre election if we’d been asked “after the election there will be a swing state which Trump accuses of not doing enough to rig the election for him, who ya got” I’d have laughed in the face of anyone who suggested Georgia.


Yeah winning GA is wild. That was what we considered easily the most rigged state right?. WTF happened there? Did they clean up their act after the whole deleted harddrives after an FBI investigation and Kemps cheating?

Figured they’d run a clean election to get some of the heat off them because no way Trump loses GA right? Or did Stacy just overcome it all? Mail in ballots fucked up their normal rigging?


I think it’s these 2.


right? Why do we even have a legislature? Isn’t shit like this their job? Not that my state senator or assembly rep are people that will ever vote for anything I want (they’re GOP), but still, they’re the ones getting paid for this shit.

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Covered this in the other thread:

They made it too easy to vote.

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Agreed. A lot of their suppression efforts were targeted at in person voting - creating issues at majority black precincts to create long lines, making fewer polling places in black areas, etc.

Being against prop 25 was dumb if you’re a liberal. I’m sorry, but it’s keeping the bad because you’re unable to get the perfect. The bail-bond industry is the nut fucking low. If they’re on any side of a bill, you should by reflex be on the opposite side of that bill.


There’s no case.

That sounds perfectly logical. I probably should have voted the other way.

My only point is this shit should never go to the voters in the first place. It’s too complicated - especially when you see the ACLU come out for it. I want Ted Lieu to become an expert and decide for me. I vote for him specifically so I don’t have to micromanage complex legislation by myself like this.

Should I start putting the ACLU in the Glenn Greenwald-sideye category?

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Nothing says “the country has to come first” like voting for Donald Trump twice.


So, ACLU is a bunch of dumb liberals?

It checks out —



Just because the ACLU is on one side of an issue doesn’t mean they’re right about it. They also sued to make sure the armed nazis could riot with guns in Charlottesville.

It also doesn’t make them dumb.

Do a proposition on abolishing propositions.

Totally agree that legislators>voters for picking laws.

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The vast majority of our legslators are corrupt piece of shit Republicans.

Voters picked 15/h min wage in Florida.

Voters picking laws is WAY better. We should abolish congress and have voters just vote on laws. That would get a ton of SUPER population legislation passed. We could probably get M4A passed by voters, background checks on guns etc and a ton of other super popular shit.

Thinking legislators are better is insane to me.


I think I just saw a bunch of angry Guatemalans who would beg to differ.

Like voters all across the country voted for medical and legal marijuana.

Voters in AZ voted to publicly fund campaigns against the super rich. Was a great fucking idea until the piece of shit supreme court struck it down.

lol at thinking our reps are better at picking laws than us. All the most progressive shit gets passed by straight voters. Felons being able to vote in Florida… until legislators completely fucked that up.

Our system would be WAY better if voter decided policy