2019 Elections: LA, KY, MS gov, VA legislature, other local stuff

Still only counted 4500 votes from Lexington/Louisville. That is where Beshear will, and has to crush.

Yea it’s hard to project with so few votes in but I want to feel positive about these early results. Here’s to hoping KY had a massive voter turnout.

KY isn’t getting a 2018 turnout but it’s high enough and early results quickly turned this from Bevin solid fav to Bevin slight fav.

edit–not so much now, Looks like Bevin hangs on to me.

edit2–unless there are double the votes as 15 out of lexington and now it’s a fucking race again (god damnit I don’t have the fastest one :/)

k, I have no idea which site is right, I think it’s the beshear leading one crazy enough. (western kentucky is coming in soon and that’s a lot of bevin votes)

there are 5 counting sites, none of them are close to each other gl figuring this shit out.

as expected, rural more red, urban more blue. We’re gonna see that trend for every state I think. (starts looking up states like MN…)

Btw KY has 120 counties because reasons.

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when CNN/NYT update lexington Beshear will have a sizeable lead, then it’s HOOOOOLD time

Do KY polls close at 6 statewide? And would that mean western CST more rural votes should be expected later than eastern EST votes in Louisville/Lexington?

Lexington is already in, some sites haven’t updated those votes.

Kentucky polling stations close at 6pm local time so, yes, CST votes can still be cast after EST polls are closed.

Pretty good returns for Beshear. Bevin getting outrun by others on GOP ticket. Cameron did 67% in Boone but only 56% for Bevin.

Live stream here for KY Gov analysis:

I’m seeing on Twitter that Beshear is meeting all the benchmarks he needs in every county.

LOL Trump. If rubes in KY are sick of him, he’s getting impeached by both House and Senate.



TIL that Kentucky has an exclave.


R’s won in a landslide every other race in KY

I didn’t know that for the longest time…

most of the VA ones counting ones are dead, was thinking VA was gonna be a landslide but it’s not. Should win senate, house I think so…

Yea I was only joking. But it’s telling that a county that Trump won by 45 lost. Especially in a red state like KY. Stuff like this will scare the crap out of the GOP.

I’m sure they’ll come to their senses and start behaving like adults!

Or maybe they’ll just cleanse a few million voters from the rolls in swing states, refuse all election security measures and flood Facebook with lies.


Predictit going absolutely nuts these past few minutes.

Bevin winning down to the mid 30s.