World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)


Always reminds me of this commercial:


What did you get for odds on this? +…650?

Is this the first World Cup where they routinely do 9 minutes of stoppage time? Seems like I don’t ever remember more than 6 before this.

No they are making a point of adding on time wasting etc. Good job too.

Iran really good at flopping


All the diving.

+750 and it’s a “risk free” bet



You really should lay some off

Aaronson is the only player who is even trying to maintain possession of the ball. not ideal. we are still nowhere close to competing at a high level

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Now they’re faking injuries to their head after heading the ball only? Cool!

I blame Gregg for his substitution pattern. This is the ending he wants.

The right side of the field hasn’t been touched this game.

That’s the worst hold I’ve ever seen.

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You know why right? or have you never done anything competitive?

That is some spectacularly blatant cheating

Nothing to do with the manager. It’s how football games play out when one team desperately needs a goal towards the end.

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