World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

That was a rocket, nice save.

England have gotten outworked in the middle.

USA athleticism have won the midfield battle and Bellingham needs to be a lot better.

I hate Mount.

I waiver on how good I think he is on a weekly basis.

Yes, that’s why I’ve come down firmly on the side of hating him.

It’s all good. Gregg will keep our best player on the bench again. Maybe some Seattle Sounders can get some burn.


Thrilled with that half! The US had some chances, didn’t look hopelessly outmatched, showed the ability to create offensively, stayed aggressive when the opportunities presented themselves. Hoping for more of the same!


US looked bad the first 15ish minutes. Much better since.

Draw is basically a loss, so really want them to push if it’s still scoreless late.

Entertaining first half, ‘may the best team win’

Hopefully more Yanks tune in for the second half, now you’re not beaten in the first!

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He’s most likely injured, also it would be idiotic to play him today if he’s actually hurt. This game barely matters unless we think we can win the group.

Most of the time England want to play slow.

It’s why people dislike Southgate, think they won’t win anything etc.

If you don’t get lulled into a lower intensity game, you have a shot vs England.

I dont understand wanting to play at a low intensity, because the other team can just play harder and I don’t like being the less intense team in any dynamic.

…which is why they need Foden, a tempo-raiser, in place of Mount.

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You raise my tempo

Great half of footy, mayne

I dunno, you think an already qualified England walks Wales? A tie leaves everything in our control

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Foden needs to come on. We have no energy, no drive. Don’t know if the temps are suddenly way more of a factor but fuck me this is England one game to next like a tee.

The Serbians were playing Hack-a-Neymar.

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It’s 24C, not worse than PL summer games these days. More likely a combination of an effective US midfield and players being at 80% after Monday’s game.

Wales would be a -2 compared to a -1 for USA (if we’re assuming it’s tied late and they push for a goal and lose by 1). I think Wales beating England by 2+ and USA only beating Iran by 1 is a pretty small consideration compared to somehow binking the win vs. England then the situation vs. Iran is sooo much better just needing a draw instead of having to break them down and win. We’ve seen that USA’s finishing isn’t exactly great and I’d be a bit concerned knowing that we have to score at least 1 vs. them or we’re gone.

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