World Cup 2022: Congrats to Argentina and the GOAT (WATCH THIS GAME, BEST GAME EVER)

When is the last time the US came back to win a big game? Can’t remember one at the moment.

They have no idea how to finish. It’s sort of like watching a machine learning algorithm that was trained on tons of association football video and figured out that “crossing” into the box is good, and that combo tap throughs should work, but it doesn’t really understand why and so you just see a lot of those balls getting fired off to no one in particular except for the teeth of the defense that easily brushes them away.

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I’ve been saying to just play Aaronson instead of one of these crappy 9s all tourney.

Aaronson would give them a bit of quality in attack.



Pulisic and Weah have a combined 1 league goal this year and Ferreira plays in the MLS.
That’s the attack.

jesus lol

Going to be difficult now that the Plan A of 0-0 and win on pens has been blown.

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JF creating! (For the Dutch)

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We are going to lose this game 4-1.

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Ecuador dominated the Dutch by being more energetic, but Hincampie and Caicedo were really good.
The US doesn’t have a CB near Hincampie and while Adams and Mckennie can play at the level Caicedo did, it’s not easy.

I think you’re playing into the Dutch’s hands a bit. Too slow and ponderous and VVD et al are going to mop that up all day. In a way this is a bit like watching Leeds, some nice possession but give the ball away too much and get picked off by technically superior players on fast counter attacking.


Van Gaal’s rope-a-dope working well so far.


yeah, that looked exactly like a Leeds goal conceded.

JF is never going to score when they are dug in like this. Just bring on Reyna. The scoring is going to come from skilled play. It’s not like you are going to get something on the counter or in transition now.

JF just fucked up an another opportunity. He clearly is shook.

would Emile Heskey be the best striker in american history? its amazing how inept we are at that position

Klaasen is really poor.

Really exciting to see that ball come in to JF in traffic, was curious to see who he’d lose the ball to with a poor first touch.

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US is never scoring when the Dutch park 8 behind the ball. Can’t cross in to your midgets against VVD et al.

A 6’5”+ American athlete is basically never choosing soccer over Basketball.

Just shoot. Fuck.

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USA has no other option though. Press hard at the start to surprise Holland and get an early goal and defend that. Almost worked as well. Now it gets really difficult for the USA to not concede more goals on counter.

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