Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Arizona man dresses up skeleton to drive in HOV lane


Signs you are an awful human being, #88745169

Skeleton is a twist (it was imitation) but people have done that forever in LA. Itā€™s not super common or anything, but not newsworthy.

When I bought a Prius in 2007 some had carpool lane stickers and others didnā€™t. There was a $10k premium for the sticker.

Fits in with my personal experience for MA. No idea why there are so many Brazilians around here though.

I assumed that was primarily influenced by the fishing villages along the coasts, which were heavily settled with Portuguese. Or were you making a joke?

Arabic in Virginia doesnā€™t surprise me, but Tennessee?

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No, wasnā€™t joking. Thereā€™s hella Brazilians between Boston and Worcester, and ime thereā€™s been a noticeable increase in other parts of the state as well recently.

Youā€™re right about the number of Portuguese, though. 300k people in the state with that ancestry.

Interesting, I had no idea. Most of my time in MA is spent in Cambridge though, which is a pretty diverse mix of people from all over due to the schools and tech/pharma industry.

Iā€™ve seen blow up dolls in passenger seats in NYC numerous times to use the carpool lane


Iā€™m surprised CA isnā€™t Chinese.

Yeah, itā€™s hard to believe that there are more Filipinos than Chinese or Indians.

Thatā€™s West Virginia, which is even more WTF than Tennessee to me.

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Way more Tagalong than I ever expected.

Was at a poker game with friends, one guy was new-ish, have only met him once or twice. Ethnically diverse group, Iā€™m very white, new guy is hispanic named Pedro.

I drank more than usual, smoked weed for the first time in years, was my boisterous faded self up until I started calling Pedro ā€œJorgeā€. Everyone is kinda shock-laughing while it took me 15 seconds to even know why people were aghast. I apologized profusely but was definitely awkward to say the least. I apologized profusely, maybe too much IDK.

How racist is this behavior on a scale of 1 thru 10, 1 being so micro it almost goes undetected and 10 being saying n***** or something heinous. Last person I knew named Jorge was like 7 years ago, IDK what was going on. Like I was confidently and casually calling the guy by the wrong name, to the point I didnā€™t even get why people were laughing at me.

When you were corrected, did you continue to call him by the wrong name?

Thatā€™s a cookie, not a language.

Once, if Iā€™m being honest, immediately afterwards but that time was definitely because I was super flustered embarrassed and faded, but I immediately apologized again knowing it looked like I was deliberately fucking with him.

Dude is a great guy, mostly laughed it off. But I basically self banned myself from doing much beyond just playing cards the last couple hours cuz I couldnā€™t trust myself to not make a fool of myself and was pretty deeply ashamed. But the stark shift in my affect post-racist-behavior might have made it worse, IDK been doing a lot of thinking so might be over doing it.

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My former MIL claimed that when she was a young suburban housewife at a neighborā€™s party she spent the evening mistakenly calling someone ā€œPeter.ā€

His actual name was Dick.


I once mistakenly called a white guy Dave when his name was Paul. I got over it.


Also, way more Tagalog than I expected.