Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Reminds me of the oldy but goody about libertarianism and principle of aggression who is justified when. In this case, a surrounding a car means you either surrender or you’re killed.

The clips show the deputies arriving on Brown’s property in a truck bed and then running toward a car Brown was already sitting in. Chatter at the start of a clip makes it clear that they already know he’s in the car. The deputies have their guns out, pointed at Brown and the car. Brown backs up in the vehicle, then turns and attempts to drive away. In doing so, he does head toward a deputy, who backs away from the car and then reaches out with his arm and makes contact with the car. The car then careens away from the deputies as they fire on him. He travels about 50 feet before the car rolls to a stop.

While the video does appear to show the car “coming into contact” with deputies, it’s also reasonable to observe that the deputies surrounded his car so that any attempt by Brown to flee the scene would require driving toward a deputy, and thus justify shooting him regardless of whether he intended to harm an officer. Womble actually [acknowledged this]

(N.C. Prosecutor Finds Deputies' Shooting Of Andrew Brown Jr. Justified : NPR) in the press conference—that the only way Brown could flee was through the deputies—and said he didn’t think Brown was actually trying to strike them.

Could they invoke the 3rd Amendment?

RIP really funny guy :cry:


Can you offer an opinion on this twitter person who defies pigeonholing? She’s a tech person who knows her stuff. Big following on yt. Chinese citizen. A lesbian with a Uyghur gf. Highly political. I can’t always judge for accuracy but offers sharp, knowledgeable takes on US and world politics. Highly critical of outside views on China and Xinjiang. Writes in US English as well as any American journalist.

Funny you should mention her. She’s a big deal as a Chinese YouTuber but I’m not familiar with her work tbh.

Several months ago she got into it with China-watch Twitter with her citing Hawaii as the big example of USA colonialism and then when “what are you doing re:Xinjiang” was brought up in response she said something like “Yeah I’ll make sure and buy more chicken kabobs, bitch” which is pretty much as racist as it gets. (Uyghurs outside of Xinjiang often/stereotypically work selling chicken kabobs in street stalls).

Her defenders cited her being a lesbian in China as an absolute defense against any criticism. It of course varied from “she is perfect and nothing is happening in Xinjiang” to “how dare someone ask a Chinese LGBT person to comment on Xinjiang on the internet”.

Interesting. I can’t tell what level she’s on with some of her stuff so don’t know what to make of the chicken thing. She’s an exhibitionist so maybe that extends to politics too. For all I know she’s a Chinese government propagandist but that’s a whole lot more effort than any of the Russians put into Trump. Complicated.

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Hell if I know. If they are they’re probably not that interested in us. But just in case, I’m watching you.

Somebody who isn’t me needs to deep dive into the UFO thing and provide cliffs.


I haven’t gotten the 1400 one, but there was a box on my 2020 taxes that I could check if I hadn’t gotten the $1200 (did) or $600 (didn’t), that subtracted them from taxes owed.

According to 22, the (((people))) who control the government and the media want everyone to think aliens are real for unspecified reasons.

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I couldn’t blame them if they were about to show up all “Take us to your leader!” and then Trump got elected so now it’s, “Uh, n/m. That’s ok.”

If they made it all this way I don’t think they’d bother hiding. They’d probably say hello.

Maybe they’re indifferent though. Maybe this is their home planet and we’re just insects to them. Or they’re just passing through.

I don’t think we can say much at all about what aliens would probably do.

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I don’t think they’d behave like a semi inept human clumsily trying to hide from us while also being somehow immune from being captured on high res images.

I’m an atheist but I’m 100% willing to believe in god. He could show himself and do a bunch of godlike things, maybe host a tv show where he appears on everyone’s wall speaking their language and turns the sun pink or whatever, and I’d be like, “yup, that’s god.”

Btw, i think life is inevitable given chemistry/physics and some semi-earthlike conditions. I just don’t think they’re visiting and if they’re aware of us from afar they either aren’t trying to contact us or aren’t very good at it.

Maybe they’re so far beyond us they don’t care, but i think that’s unlikely as they would have gone through a stage like us and know what’s it’s like. If they survived technological progress (perhaps a big if), I presume they would need some form of morality and curiosity. Unethical aliens would likely be extinct. Hell, ethics is probably a solid argument against any simulation hypothesis. Imo, only weak (as in fearful) and ignorant (not dumb, but unaware of truth) people/entities act unethically.


Has Matt Gaetz came out against the UFO stories yet?

Figured he would have by now after all we’ve all seen the movie.

One thing is for certain: there is no stopping them. They will soon be here. And I for one welcome our new alien overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted internet personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

Not enough data to know if they’re insectoids.