Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

anyone know if united credit from a flight cancellation is transferrable? Or am I going to have to be the one to use it?

Along these lines, has anyone been buying trip cancellation insurance? I’ve always viewed it as a sucker bet, so I don’t do it. But any trips in 2022 are at risk. However, I assume that in keeping with standard insurance company protocol, the policies probably exclude exactly the types of COVID-related cancellations that you would want to cover against.

in general credit from an unused flight is almost always tied to the person who was originally ticketed and is absolutely not transferrable unless you had a fully refundable ticket.

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This has been my experience as well, but my sample is probably way smaller than pvn’s.

Assuming you’re talking about the flights for the bowl game, this probably doesn’t help, but language on the United website seems to indicate some additional flexibility if you bought the tickets before August 31 2021.

“Future flight credit issued for tickets purchased on or before August 31, 2021, can now be used to book travel for anyone, including yourself, friends, or family. Simply apply your credits online or in the app during checkout. If you can’t apply your credits during checkout, please contact Reservations at 1-800-864-8331.”

If you bought after that date, the website seems to indicate that you have to use it yourself, but assuming you have some time before the funds expire, you can probably wait a little bit to see if they change the policy again.

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In case anyone didn’t know, this is Harry Reid:

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The obituary posted above describes some of this.

Reid had a legendary dust-up with organized crime associate Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal in 1979 that was caught on film by a Las Vegas television news outlet. Reid also led the Gaming Commission’s vote to place mobster Tony Spilotro into Nevada’s List of Excluded Persons, commonly referred to as the “Black Book.” The job tested Reid’s resilience and grit. In 1981, Landra Reid had a close brush with death when the mob attempted to blow up the family car.

“I can still remember that,” he said in 2016. “Fire trucks came. Police cars were there. I can remember my 5-year-old boy looking out the window at all that. I can imagine it had a tremendous impact on him.”

But entanglement has never been achieved with a multi-cellular organism. Verdal et al . collected three tardigrades from a roof gutter in Denmark, and then froze them until they went into their tun state—shrinking to about a third of their normal size in the process. Then the team cooled the tardigrades down even further, to just above absolute zero.

Next they placed each tardigrade between two capacitor plates of a superconducting circuit (forming a qubit). The qubit’s resonant frequency shifted every so slightly when it came into contact with a frozen tardigrade, forming a qubit-tardigrade hybrid. Finally, Verdal and his colleagues coupled that hybrid to a second qubit and entangled them. Several tests on the entangled qubits showed a shift in frequency occurring simultaneously between both qubits and the tardigrade—much like three entangled qubits. The team was even able to revive the tardigrades after the experiments concluded.

Scientist #1: Dude, what if we like, quantum-entangled a tardigrade?

Scientist #2: Dude. You are so wasted.


Even serious discussions of physics are sometimes indistinguishable from gibberish.

I’ve been listening to a lot of Sean Carroll lately and my understanding of some very basic concepts have changed. I mean it’s not all his fault because my views have been shifting for a while. Reality is just so fucking weird.

unrelated: is there a particular thread to talk about technical/nerd shit? I am thinking about building another keyboard and looking to bounce some ideas around before I pull the trigger, and also thinking about upgrading my in-home wifi with like a wifi 6 mesh or something.

monkey gif made me look this up.

Guy trolls people on Facebook. Lots of funny ones, this one made me lol.

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I was wondering just how that was supposed to work.

The challenge is simple: plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs," Alexa’s response read.

Yeah, that’s not good. Most likely you get some sparks and the breaker trips. Kid might burn a finger. Worse than that is unlikely but people are inventive.

“That’s shocking,” one user tweeted.

Amazon said they have since resolved the fault.

Amazon doesn’t seem to have used the word ‘fault’. The CNN writer might have some basic knowledge of electricity to go with their sense of humor.

plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet, then touch a penny to the exposed prongs

I did this when I was like 8 years old. Me and my brother and our babysitter were playing a game where we hid pennies for the other to find.

Turns out that’s not a great place to hide one.

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Babysitter freak?

It was briefly a thing in a junior high school electronics lab to do it with gum wrappers. Made a big pop.

Once, doing a demo (not the wrapper thing), the instructor shocked himself mid-sentence. He stood speechless for like ten seconds while we had no idea what happened. It was like a video was buffering (except ofc we didn’t have streaming video back then).

Yeah. I think it was just a spark, circuit breaker tripped and TV went off.

She had no idea what to do when that happened though.

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This stuff is so depressing. Why are China and Russia “enemies”?

Tellingly, despite appearing in quotes, “enemies” doesn’t seem to appear in that article. The closest thing I saw was “potential adversaries,” which seems hard to dispute.