Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Loooooooool had never seen this, incredible.

Wow that really is amazing.

Cain isn’t necessarily being inconsistent, just unclear about distinguishing between personal and social choice. Too bad he didn’t protect his own life but maybe by then he’d accepted determinism.

I mean, it sounds like he’s actually pro-choice, but thinks that the actual “pro-choice” people are pro-abortion, and the pro-life people are against government-mandated abortions?

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He may not have understood the political issues. He was giving his personal view. He was not a good politician but he could be precise if he wanted to. He appears to be flustered while trying to give a 9-9-9 kind of answer.

I think my second favorite thing about Herman Cain was that people legit wondered if he got his 9-9-9 plan from Sim City.

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Anybody have a good link to this story with what actually happened the day of the crash? Not really finding the info I want on my searches.

I have trying to get the government to force women to have abortions all this time.

tenor (1)

Dude totally deserved his Herman Cain Award.

Public pressure has the DA seeking to reduce the charges

This article also has a video showing him drive past a runaway truck ramp.

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Just to point out how awful the prosecutor is:

King’s office won convictions on 16 first-degree assault and attempted first-degree assault charges against Aguilera-Mederos. Those “crimes of violence” must be sentenced consecutively, not concurrently, under Colorado’s mandatory minimum sentencing laws, which strip decision-making from judges and give prosecutors tremendous power to determine how much prison time a defendant will face if convicted.

The jury has no idea this is buried in the convictions they laid down. They almost surely thought that the vehicular homicide charges were the most serious, after all those are people who died. But the vehicular homicide charges could be served concurrently. The “crimes of violence” first degree assault charges are the ones that have to be served consecutively. So he gets sentenced to ten years for each of the six assaults and five years for the ten attempted assaults. His sentence for the people he actually killed is served concurrently with the assaults so is irrelevant.

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I think the brakes failed at some point and his not driving into the runaway truck ramp is part of the reason he was charged so severely.

American driving tests are incredibly basic so there are a lot of really dumb drivers on our roads.

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It’s worse than that. He thought there was a problem with his brakes and successfully stopped. He saw they were smoking, kind of poked around a bit and hopped back in. Sounds like criminal negligence to me. I have zero issue with the vehicular homicide convictions and he should serve significant time for that.

What was his excuse for getting back in and driving again? That sounds nuts.

Is he knew too driving and kind of dumb ? I guess with both of those he might not think it was bad ?

He was probably terrified of losing his job if he didn’t make his delivery on time. That’s not really an excuse, but those drivers are under enormous pressure to meet deadlines and the bosses don’t give the tiniest flying fuck how many people are put in danger in the process.


He said he didn’t see the brakes smoking. But he called two people in his company for advice about his brakes when he stopped. So it sounds like he was, how you say, lying.

This story keeps making me think of this song…

Whenever I hear conservatives say they want to protect life from conception,

I always want to ask them if IUD’s and other abortofacient methods of birth control are morally equivalent to murder.

Conception happens in the Fallopian tubes (usually, but not always). An IUD prevents the fertilized zygote from implanting in the uterus, effectively killing a conceived embryo.

Same with in vitro fertilization. Lots of fertilized eggs get murdered for every successful implanted pregnancy. For people struggling to conceive, IVF is the only viable option.

At least the Catholic Church is quite clear on all this. Every method of birth control, from IUD’s, the pill, using condoms, IVF, even pulling out, is a mortal sin. The only approved method of birth control is Natural Family Planning, which is not having sex around ovulation plus monitoring temperature to minimize (but not eliminate) the chance of conception.

Or, as I call it, “Vatican Roulette.”

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