Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

And, after 10 years or so as a judge (post retirement) or law prof you can also make good cash as a mediator or arbitrator (AAA, JAMS, etc). That’s a pretty sweet gig, as the basis of their decisions can’t really be appealed, even for manifest disregard of the law. (Becase the goal is to terminate disputes, so manifest conflict of interest is one of the few grounds for appeal.)

Yeah, he mentioned the arbitrator thing as a nice ancillary benefit.

I think this bro’s main obstacle is that he would only consider a position that would not involve moving from the Bay Area. I suspect that cuts down on the options.
(There’s an obvious disanalogy, but her point is that divergence of SAT scores should be seen as a problem to fix, not as a reason to abandon testing.)

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Sounds a little like someone around here.

Sometimes I like to be a recluse in a large Canadian city.

Problem is being eccentric stops being at all charming or cool when you get old. Yesterday we were rebels. Today we’re just weirdos.


Wait up, bro. Not true.


This doesn’t really fit anywhere and I don’t think it is worthy of its own thread etc…

To what extent is Xinjiang denialism a thing within the (western) left?

You see tons of it on Twitter, but it’s largely randoms, Grayzone or western “journalists” who have written for Chinese state media.

I quit my subscription to Trueanon after they promoted Grayzone for their coverage of the Julian Assange trial.

Chapo hasn’t said anything directly indicating Xinjiang denialism but it’s been hinted at. Felix went on a super passionate rant several months back about how American government money isn’t flowing to China unlike Israel therefore caring about Israel and not Xinjiang is totally rational. Somehow I doubt Felix would criticize a Mexican for caring about the plight of Palestinians.

Chapo had a foreign policy special at the end of February with Felix, Derek Davison and Daniel Bessner that included a pretty clear sneer at the Xinjiang situation. It was along the lines of even if you believe the most extreme stuff about the treatment of Uyghurs and had a clearly dismissive tone.

I haven’t seen anything on this forum, but if you’re concerned about the plight of Palestinians but defend the treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang that is absolutely fucked.

Please tell me I’m right in that the vast majority of the American/western left aren’t tankie morons.

Do you have access to almond milk?

As someone who has been patiently waiting for the transition from creepy middle-aged guy to cute and charming old guy, this news is disappointing. Maybe if I develop a limp?

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The problem is that this, like everything, has been channeled into a culture war and a badge of membership in pre existing groups. We don’t take political action because things are structured to strip us of any political agency, we pick a brand and consume it. You can’t like Nike and Adidas. You can’t be pro Palestine and pro uyghur. Or, more accurately you’re either anti Israel or anti China being both would out you in part on the same side as those gross addidas wearers. So gauche.

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From what I can tell to hit cute old you need to either be amusingly crotchety or wildly over appreciative of the slightest thing even if it’s obviously completely patronising.

I just don’t see why any of this is. Palestinians are victims of settlers on their land and their government backers denying them autonomy. So are Uyghurs and the other mostly Muslim minorities of Xinjiang.

It’s the most simple connection one can make unless the only thing that matters is the US government’s position.

It’s not as if proclamations from the US/UK government and trade restrictions are protecting Xinjiang’s natives in any meaningful way in the first place.

Politics isn’t about logical consistency. It’s a lifestyle brand. Pepsi and Coke are both brown sugary liquids with bubbles in but people have strong opinions for one and against the other

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So it really is a mainstream position among anti-imperialist leftists in the west that the Uyghur diaspora is universally lying?

I don’t mean to just put this question on you, but this worldview is something I’ve been hoping is largely restricted to compromised journalists and edgy teenagers.

I think most people don’t look at it like that. They see ben shapiro and all the other people they hate ranting about the chinese treatment of the Uyghurs and they see AOC and all the other people they like talking about palestine (or vice versa) and pick a brand.

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Yeah this is an obvious ‘both groups are murderous assholes’ spot WRT to the people running China and Israel.

What a weird take.

If there’s an anti-Uyghur sentiment on the left, I’ve not really seen it.


Almond milk has fewer carbs/calories than dairy milk. It’s low in protein, though, so your protein shake needs other sources of protein.

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This is so weird to me.

What you are saying makes sense, and I know I’m in somewhat of a bubble when it comes to this, but none of the sources I find credible regarding China are remotely conservative or right-wing (that alone would disqualify them). Among them there isn’t any question regarding whether or not Uyghurs et al have been persecuted immensely in recent years.

Being a freak and a weird dude is an absolute prerequisite to denying systematic persecution of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang.