Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

The real question is how does a prime minister of any country go clubbing until 4am as a normal occurrence? 36 and still living the life leading your entire country lol


Taek maney
The f do


This only makes her more based. Hopefully she was doing mdma too

I assume she’s vaccinated. Club was probably mandatory vaccine

Article says she’s double vaxxed

What does the prime minister do when some rando guy starts trying to grind on you in da club. I remember this being an issue for girls in college

“Sorry not sorry”

When David Brooks was a young man, Reagan’ admin was spinning lies about “young bucks” on food stamps, running all kinds of horrifying CIA operations, and setting new records for officials being forced to leave due to scandals.

Brooks wants to spin the classic “back in my day, we had conservative intellectuals like William F Buckley” song and dance but he’s not old enough to pull that off and not clever enough to invent a new shtick, so we get him nostalgic for the Reagan era of principled and enlightened Republicans.

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They have been transparently evil for my entire life. I figured it out in high school. Not a single person has a legitimate excuse for being a Republican in 2021.

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The prime minister of Finland (Finnish: Suomen pääministeri ; Swedish: Finlands statsminister ) is the head of the Finnish Government.

The head of a major government couldn’t be reached because they left their phone at home while out clubbing?

I mean, there’s just no way that’s appropriate and the covid exposure is kind of the least of it? Am I being unreasonable or missing the joke here?

I mean there are people magnitudes less important than her for whom it would be a major scandal if they were unreachable in an emergency… So yeah, that seems like a big deal to me.

Yeah I’d assume when she’s clubbing she’s at a table with security and can be contacted in an emergency situation. I don’t think she’s getting blackout and rolling back to the Prime Minister’s residence at like 2PM the next day

I think Americans think all world leaders have secret service agent equivalents. I don’t think that’s the norm at all.

My only issue is that she has Facebook.


What she wrote seems fine. Unless the Russians are at the border I doubt she needs to have her phone on her hip.

The Russians are at the border.


To be fair if the Russians decide they want to conquer Finland there really aren’t any actions she could take that would effect the final outcome of that decision in any way.


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New Zealand have taken a first step towards banning tobacco sale, with legislation passed that will mean that people who become adults in 2025 or later will never be able to legally buy it. I think this is a good idea (although there are some other steps in the plan I’m less crazy about). Possessing tobacco won’t be illegal, it’s just about ending retail sales.

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I’m ‘not basing this on anything but a foggy memory of security details for world leaders being the exception and not the norm. I have no idea what Finland’s deal is htough.

What world leaders do we know of that don’t have at least some security on them when they are out and about? I’m including only the highest official of each country (PM or President depending on country).

It’s Finland, what’s the worst that could happen? Let her enjoy a night out.

I liked it! You might like The Heavy Water War if you want to see Scandis doing some James Bond stuff.