Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I did not expect to see the music teacher dressed as the devil running around with other students also dressed as devils.

This would’ve been just extremely weird if not for their liberal use of blackface -_-. Of course, there are literally zero black students or staff members in the school (and practically none in the entire country). So, no one thought anything of it apparently.

“Think about what a gift to the Chinese and the Russians something like this is.”

I’m dead

I mean this is pretty juicy material to go after. WTF is a finger cot?

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Pretty sure it’s a finger condom.

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And you wear that on top of the gloves? Seems reasonable and something that definitely college kids will be happy to follow and not laugh at.

Giving a finger cot to coworkers in the restaurant industry was always a go to joke.

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Ah. Ok, I see. I labeled the pics A-E for reference. For moderate flow, I don’t think we get the unstable condition, D. For large flow, some fluid goes over the concave down portion of the spout, so if you looked at a vertical cross-section as indicated by the red line in E, then you’d see something like D. But I don’t usually pour my coffee that way.

For low flow, I think we at least approach D. That would be when we are initiating the flow by just starting to pour or stopping the flow when we’re done pouring. And those do seem to be the critical moments when a drip or spill happens. So it seems like we’re back to more or less the initial question: is it better to pour quickly at first or slowly? And to stop abruptly, or gradually?

I’m still not sure. Surface tension and material properties may be important.

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I drove through the former location of Haymarket Square yesterday. There is a bar there that uses the name.

More generally known as the “Why are you hitting yourself?” gambit.

Yeah the best bit of any Rod piece is the earnest effort to be like “look, this isn’t just about my personal neuroses”. Ok man sure lol.

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i woulnd’t discount putin and his military chiefs sitting around naked in a sauna eastern-promises style, with vodka flowing, laughing at freshmen and freshwomen in ivy league fingering each other in the butts.

then one general says, “wait a minute… my daughter is at princeton.” a moment of silence, until putin throws a finger cot at him, and the rest burst out in another round of laughter.


Conservative twitter now seems thoroughly convinced that Australia has collapsed into tyranny.



Welcome to California status. You’ll be sneered at in a whiny nasally tone in every pop country song soon.

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I mean, we should know by now that conservatives redefine terms at will. “Tyranny” has nothing to do with autocracy or what we consider tyranny. It just means government actions conservatives don’t like… And Australia does a lot of government that conservatives do not like.

How do the Australians defend themselves against poisonous snakes and kangaroos without guns?

what’s wild is that australian government is conservative