Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

There’s a place by me that shreds papers. I took a garbage bag full of old bills and crap. I bet they destroy HDs too.

Yeah I’m exaggerating by a few decimal places, but what are the odds that a drive is going to be recovered by somebody malicious who both knows how and will take the time to bother?

I agree worrying about people trying to recover data from your drive is unneeded if you throw it in the trash. Again unless you are a known bitcoin billionaire and your private keys are on it or a criminal with one of those three letter agencies after you.

If you sell your laptop then use Windows cipher to wipe your drive though as lots of people try to recover files on hardware they buy like laptops and phones.

Last time I did this I used DBAN to make the data unrecoverable, then removed the disk and took a large hammer to it.

Either one of those methods is probably enough on its own, but I wouldn’t do anything less.

the federal government used to take old hard drives, literally grind them into dust, mix the dust into concrete, make cinderblock-type bricks out of it, and bury those.

this is 100% correct

just a couple of whacks with the hammer is more than enough. honestly I would just use a disk overwriter that writes a bunch of random 0s and 1s and that’s prob more than enough on its own

I wonder what percentage of “hacked” data is actually lifted from individual retail consumer device storage. That seems like an insanely low yield approach to trying to get any information considering that basic phishing expeditions will get you access to huge sets of data.

OK which one of you clowns is writing for the CBC now.

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After years of investigation, federal authorities traveled to Massachusetts last week and confirmed he’d been living a quiet life under a fictitious name in Boston. As part of their investigation, they compared his 1960s documents to paperwork he’d completed under the name Randele, including a 2014 bankruptcy filing at a Boston federal court.

He died of lung cancer in May of this year in Lynnfield, Massachusetts, the US Marshals Service said. He was 71.

I wonder if his last thought was “Hah! I got away with it.”

Kind of disappointed the article doesn’t say exactly how they tracked him down, just that they compared documents to confirm it was him

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anywhere outside the US adopting tipping. Does anyone actually think that’s a good idea?

The other thing about doing better with males is that’s exactly the case centrists made for nominating Biden. Again, probably because they didn’t like Hillary.

The article you’re replying to is literally about a country outside the US that adopted tipping.

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OK smart guy, I mean besides this one instance.

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Nobody counts Canada anyway.

Is Canada still a state? I thought we got rid of it when we slimmed down to forty or whatever.

We’re technically one of the clubs in the NHL.

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So one of my friends gave me a Visa Vanilla gift card worth $50 awhile ago for my birthday.

I’m certain I used it for well over $50. WTF is going on? I signed up for audible with it because I didn’t plan on renewing and knew it would be rejected because at best it had a few bucks on it, but it went through?

Do I have unlimited monies?

Isn’t there a way for you to check the balance?

Well lay off, you’re causing an Inflation Crisis with all your spending.


the timeline is :fire::fire::fire:lit​:fire::fire::fire: