Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It would be evidence sure, but it wouldn’t prove causation any more than a poll proved Clinton won the election in 2016.

Anyways google it yourself. They probably don’t ask that question specifically, but iirc step 1 will be #1 so have at it. Response rates to those things are generally not great anyways.

Just to be clear here, you’re going with “It’s not proof, because the PDs could be lying”? Is that what you mean?

I googled before I asked, bro. Hence the question.

So what would be best at the MCAT

Best at MCAT
  • Grizzly Bear
  • Lion
  • Elephant
  • Gorilla
  • Crocodile
  • Wolf
  • Kangaroo
  • Chimpanzee
  • King Cobra
  • Large Dog
  • Eagle
  • Medium Sized Dog
  • Goose
  • House Cat
  • Rat

0 voters


This is a wild exaggeration and is holy shit levels of borderline racist.

The answer is obv crow/corvid but that wasn’t an option so I picked the closest thing.

There’s all sorts of possible reasons. Cant think of a single survey that would prove causation in any situation tbh, even though surveys on this topic back up what I’ve said.

You think you could maybe name one of those reasons explicitly? Instead of obliquely referring to it.

so let me get this straight, aliens have been in our skies for eons now but not only haven’t made contact, have also not hid the flying things and also haven’t done anything but they also keep coming and flying around or whatever it is they’re doing.

I got this right? rolls eyes we haven’t been to the moon since

what they’re all just like let’s just keep an eye on those shitheads just in case they build a space laser??

They’re in this very forum tending the livestock and engineering recipes. I mean “cooking good food”? A website full of altruistic humans? Come on. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.

What’s your control in a survey of program directors? Is there any bias in your sample? For example, if your response rate is 25% is your sample worth anything? What if the people who respond are a certain subgroup of people? What if a PD would be embarrassed to truly reveal how they act (Bradley effect)?

There’s a lot more, but that’s some basic issues with surveys that I could ramble off. I literally cannot think of a single situation where a survey of people after an event with no control has ever been used to attempt to show causation. If you’re aware of any, please let me know. I’m planning on doing a lot of teaching on how to read scientific papers this year so I’d be super interested.

The surveys of the PDs fit my statements super well too man. Just trying to be honest here and explain why I think it’s not particularly worthwhile.

However, I think if you want more talk about what you can use to demonstrate causation you can just PM me.

They’re good tests to see if (the ACT much better than the SAT, structurally) the student has learned what they’re “supposed to” have learned in high school. The debate is about how important that is, but nobody wants to admit (or they’re not sharp enough to realize, which is kinda ironic) that it’s not that important and anybody can get good at one thing. Admitting that Elon Musk or Google Memo Guy aren’t actually that smart would sell out the whole pseudomeritocracy thing we got going on here.

Otherwise they’d have to seriously be some sort of fucking idiot I guess.

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These are just generic criticisms that you could make on any just about any study, right? Some studies of medical interventions can’t really be blinded and controlled because of the nature of the inquiry. There can be all sorts of bias in any kind of study.

So if that’s your critique, then it’s more or less impossible to prove anything.

I guess your Bradley effect is what I was referring to as lying.

This is really more of an economics question than it is a medical question, but if in this particular case where we are trying to prove why someone made a certain decision, asking them directly and looking at the responses is the best we can get.

And it wouldn’t be that hard to do. I’ve never seen a survey of people involved in residency selection say that they largely base decisions on step 1. That’s why I asked and that’s why I’d be surprised if it existed. They all say it’s important, but that’s not quite the same thing.

I totally understand the best of egalitarian intentions behind the starndardized-tests=bad sentiments but, speaking as the proud holder of a General Educational Development certificate, what do you all think a GED is, exactly?

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If you want further education on this topic you can make a 100 dollar donation to MSF.


A corollary to this is that nobody wants to just come out and say that even fucking idiots deserve dignity and happiness, so, all the good little leftist boys and girls and non-binaries cop-out and try to pretend that variations in intelligence totally, like, aren’t a thing, man.


I’m happy to offer you additional education for only $50. And you can choose the charity.


So the question was the joke?

I want to change my poll answer to elephant based on a rule I made up that the test be in the animal’s native language.

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I’m trying, and I’ve tried before when it came up, but nobody ever wants to actually talk about it. The whole fucking system is biased, but there’s nothing inherent in the tests themselves being biased.

Like, if your home life is fucked and you’re borderline food insecure, then yeah, you won’t learn shit in school as well as others, but, the test to see if you did learn shit in school isn’t the biased part and all this obfuscation I always see just seems like people are jealous of Sklansky The Elder getting a super sweet sick SAT math score.