Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

That’s what Big Yoga wants you to think.


Pretty sure it has to be the


DS9 episode where Sisko is dreaming that he’s a sci-fi writer in the mid 1900s and alt-Jake gets shot by the police since that’s the most direct racism episode I can think of.


Constantly thinking about what I’m thinking about, and then thinking about that, is my problem! The practice of meditation, for me at least, is about breaking that self-perpetuating cycle. Focus on breath or body, when thoughts come (and they always do eventually), acknowledge that I’m having a thought, release it gently with kindness toward myself, and re-focus on breath or body.

I began meditating when kicking benzos, at that time in total secrecy. My mind was completely fucked - I wanted to kill myself, but couldn’t even really wrap my mangled brain around exactly how to get that done. Of the many problems I was experiencing, lack of sleep was at or near the top of the list. On a message board for people with benzo addictions (it’s called Benzo Buddies) somebody had posted about trying body scan meditations. I started listening to guided body scan meditations when going to bed, and it helped a little. So I started doing them more often. At some point I got a little bit of breathing room in my thoughts, enough to see that the jig was up, and that if I wanted to survive I was going to need to tell somebody what was going on. I decided I did want to survive, and my journey in recovery began. That was almost nine years ago and I probably haven’t skipped meditating more than a dozen days over that time. There have definitely been days where I’ve only done five minutes, or where the runaway train in my brain just could not be slowed, but I really credit meditation as one of the primary reasons, if not the primary reason, I’m here today.


They mention a lot more than a few, and the outcome is so bad that it sounds like something worth considering going in.

NYC is going to spend $2.1 billion to build a train that goes from LaGuardia, in the opposite direction from Manhattan, to connect to the subway? Lol New York.

even better they’re going to spend that much money and not actually build it


it’s insane how much of a pain in the ass it is to get into manhattan from any of the airports. LGA is a fucking disaster with all the construction, they should have just left it looking like a dump. making it shiny is not worth all of the fucking traffic nightmare they’ve created. Getting from JFK to the airtrain to the subway/LIRR is somewhat better, kinda, though still a huge pain if you’re an average traveler with rollerbags. EWR is, amazingly, the easiest, though still requires changing trains … twice? (airtrain to NJ transit and then to PATH? been a while since I’ve done that one).

I think you can get to Penn Station on one train without transfers but I may be wrong.

my favorite NYC airport situation was back in 2017 I was going to europe on an Air France ticket and I had “irregular operations” (I don’t remember exactly if it was a mechanical delay or weather, but I had to reroute day of departure). Instead of connecting in ATL, delta flew me to LGA, but my flight to CDG was leaving from JFK (no directs to JFK at that time). Air France paid for a towncar to drive me from LGA to JFK.

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ah, yeah that might be true, I was heading downtown

In the before times we would go to NYC twice per year. I remember the train to Penn Station because we tried it one time because we were staying in Chelsea. The rest of the time we just incinerate cash to get a cab because there are no other pleasant options. Its hard to justify trying to save $50 from the airport when we know we’re about to spend so much in hotels/restaurants/shopping.

In all fairness, when they planned out the transit system here there was no way to predict that someday people would be traveling through the air. I mean, the highways all go there - how is this any different then any other US city?

Toronto built a terrific dedicated airport train just a few years ago. It had two stops between the downtown core and the airport, its clean and efficient and comfortable.

Don’t think Canada is a fair comparison, lol. Hell they get health care too from what I hear.

Question is, how many people in the US can get to the airport by train from their home? Maybe if you live in Chicago? I guess the Seattle train goes to a few places. Any others?

It’s super easy to get to o’hare via the blue line. It wasn’t open when I lived there, but the orange line was going to midway eventually IIRC.

NYC light rail/subway fucking sucks considering the infrastructure they already have in place as well. Corrupt shitty money pit.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t make it through the article but if anyone wants to laugh at the NRO here ya go:

Toronto had the same terrible airport options up until a few years ago - expensive cab or slow municipal transit (mix of subway and bus). It’s definitely a comparable (but is much larger than most American cities).

Off the dome I can think of a few other places where it’s possible to get from airport to the downtown core.

Washington DC (if we’re talking National Airport. Metro is being extended to Dulles, but is still in progress)

Portland, OR (light rail)



Salt Lake City


San Francisco

Now, for a few of those cities I’d argue that they are so spread out that a lot of people don’t live particularly close to the “downtown core”, so the difficulty of getting to a train station from their home means that they probably end up driving anyway.

NYC airport transportation situation a has been a disgrace and a complete dumpster fire of corruption and stupidity for my entire life. LGA is really close to Manhattan! Figure it out! Lol going through opposite direction to get the subway, I’m sure tourists will have no problem with that, never mind it will take like 40 mins to get to the city.

it’s not a problem in DC (well, at DCA at least) or Chicago (either MDW or ORD)