Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Reminds me so much of this GTA radio commercial

Trending on Yahoo right now.


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Gimp mask!?!?

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I can see the appeal in combination with Jennifer Anniston.

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Fwiw I would have struggled to identify it as nouveau.

Iron, you gotta realize that 95% of women just aren’t going to be into you so of course you shouldn’t “push the issue.” Because they’re not into you and there’s nothing you can do to change that.

So you need to figure out how to tell if someone is interested in you, I’ve been told it has to do with eye contact, but I literally don’t know so I can’t help.


Was looking through the Mackintosh portfolio and realized I’ve seen this. It’s one of the few things I took a photo of at AIC:

Unfortunately pop culture has done a horrific job on this stuff and for decades pushed abhorrent ideas about pushing through resistance from women because, like, eventually they’ll come around! This is the plot of about half of rom coms up until 2010 or so, I feel like the emerging culture of wokeness is slowing changing that. But its pretty baked in for lots of guys.


Honestly just sign up for an online dating site. That’s it. Everyone there is looking to meet people and is expecting to be approached, you can do so without having the other party feel cornered (like if you start asking out your bartender), and you can make a profile that presents you in the way you want to be presented, which filters out a bunch of people who you’d otherwise find incompatible after date 3 or whatever.

I really can’t imagine doing anything else if you’re single and looking to change that.


Online dating isn’t big in the Czech Republic. I’m finding that out now.

Most of the dating profiles in Prague are of foreigners who moved here from elsewhere. I once joined eHarmony and there was literally one profile in Prague (myself excluded).

I don’t know much about the scene these days, but eHarmony is like a weird evangelical American dating site - did you check others?

Yesterday I refused to give $300 to a woman who’s 'Mom" needed “medicine”, which caused her to break off contact. In two months of swiping she was the only person to claim she wanted to meet. I probably would have done it if I could deliver the cash in person.

Aren’t you in Chicago? Surely there are loads of dating sites and lonely people.

There’s a difference between being lonely and being willing to settle for me.

I’m on others that are more populated. But again, mostly other expats.

Didn’t know eHarmony was religious.

They’re not super explicit about it, but the founder is a big Jesus guy and for a long time they refused to allow same sex matching. I have to think that type of attitude seeps its way into their questionnaires and matching algorithms.

You really can’t figure out what you want without going on dates. Most people are way more attractive in real life than on a dating website.


I was under the impression that dating sites tend to gravitate to people looking for certain types of relationships and that people figure this out and go to those sites. Less to more serious something like AFF, POF, Tindet, Match, Bumble, EHarmony.

Jerry, if you can figure out a way to communicate that to the women who ghost me, that would be nice.

To some extent sure. IMO it’s silly to approach a potential partner with a preconceived plan of how “serious” the relationship will be before you meet them. If you meet someone on Tinder and you click, then you can discuss becoming exclusive, etc.

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What’s the appropriate online dating site for someone who is not interested in finding a fuck buddy?