Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

exactly. To reiterate, reposting this meme to sum it up rather well:



People brought up gay people and bars earlier this month on this forum. If gay guys did that shit to guys in those same bars they would be kicked out and beaten up usually imo.


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No I’m joking because I’d never charge for premium content. I hate that shit. The secret is that I have mad chair game.

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Some of the recent discussion could fit in this thread:

I’m no ladies man. I think iron is wrong when he says that one should never express attraction to a woman who is not a close friend, but I think there is a kernel of usefulness there. How would you talk to a woman if you wanted to be friends with zero romantic interest?

Friendship as an adult is hard and I’m bad at making new friends. It’s not like high school or college where you get dumped in with a bunch of people and sort of form friendships by default (unless you’re a loner like me). It’s not just going to magically happen just by being a nice person in the same space.

What do you do to establish shared interests with another human being?


Not gonna lie, the furniture in a porn scene either makes it or breaks it for me. Might have to get a ruling from @clovis8 on that.


What the heck is chair game.

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Ok you can kink shame that one. :grinning:


The first rule of Upholstery Club…


Question for the forum gays: how happy are you that Milo Yiannapoulos says he is no longer on your team?

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To me there’s a difference between magazine hot and IRL hot. Vapid with no personality, no charisma, no talent, and no empathy is not someone I want to touch or talk to. It’s the reason why AOC is so fucking hot which the OOT droolers couldn’t quite grasp.


But it feels better when you keep it cool. I hate a house with cold air but heat still emanates off everything.

yup. I agree 100 percent. I don’t see that in the midwest much though.

But strippers really are attracted to me, right? I can feel the chemistry.

Are you Tiger Woods?

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that might be the one exception. Not that they’re attracted, but they do have power to fight back if you cross the line.

Because I haven’t let you guys tee off on me enough…

I’m pretty tilted that I inspired @skydiver8 to drag her former customers as pervs, and me by implication, when I’m saying almost exactly the same thing as her. There is almost zero room between

and fishing for tips when getting tips is the job.

I think we should let @clovis8 take this one. He assured us there were no exceptions.