Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

I am making what I take to be a fairly deep point, that the categories we use to explain reality often do not have a counterpart in reality. I see more differences than similarities in the various sources of formal and informal information through which people understand the world.

Often, especially post-Trump, “the media” is used to mean, “The people who say things that are against what you know in your heart to be true.” In this sense, “the media” is closely analogous to the “deep state”, a sinister cabal that is working against your interests, whatever you believe them to be at any particular moment. It’s not a serious category to describe some referent in the world, just a throwaway line to express grievances.

I can safely say not a single person on this forum has ever meant that when using the term “the media”.

Above you said, “The media 100% supports Trump.” I have no idea where you could get this idea. To the extent there is a formal, mainstream media, things like major newspapers, national TV, weekly magazines, etc., it is almost all run by college-educated professional doing a job (obtaining and disseminating information) who happen to despise Trump.

Now, there is an alternative information ecosystem, from FOX, Newsmax, Brietbart, the individual twitter feeds of politicians, grifters, and “intellectuals” who support Trump, and in some sense this is part of “the media”, but it is not concerned with truth or accuracy except to the extent necessary to promote other values. There is no world, no matter how construed, where, “The media 100% supports Trump.”


It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It.

This is how the media supports trump.


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Yeah, the individuals mostly dont support him politically (though likely more do than you’d think). But the entire economic structure of the media basically requires a trumplike figure to exist. Gotta grow by 5% a year, how are you gonna do that without trump?


Reification is when you think of or treat something abstract as a physical thing.

Reification is a complex idea for when you treat something immaterial — like happiness, fear, or evil — as a material thing. This can be a way of making something concrete and easier to understand, like how a wedding ring is the reification of a couple’s love. However, reification is often considered a sign that someone is thinking illogically. For example, if you think of justice as something physical, you’re confusing ideas and things, which can lead to problems.


What kind of galaxy brain shit is this? The media is a group of people responding to incentives. They physically fucking exist.


That’s what they want you to think.


Imagine if we apply this to other groups

“There’s no such thing as the Boston Red Sox, by referring to them you’re just reifying and therefore acting illogically”

If simplicitus can logically disprove the existence of baseball that would be a great boon for humankind.

There’s plenty of skepticism about the existence of baseball.


Woman speaker. In the middle of a debate about misogyny, discovers her male opponent (pro misogyny) is being paid and she isn’t

With the excellent line.

“This is what happens when we’re cogs in a functioning machine of misogyny, working on autopilot”


There’s even an entire youtube channel dedicated to it.


Also a movie.

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The opinion piece that NO ONE was asking for:


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Y’all been posting channels I subscribe to already as of late.

Foolish Baseball also solid too

Just a miserable POS to her core


Yet MAGAs will forever refer to any man as “Coach” if he ever coached a single football game in his life.


or “judge” even if you just did a brief stint in traffic court.