What Is Your Listening Setup? (Audiophile / Hi-Fi)

I watched a movie with them the other night. Seem great for the price. I’m not sure my Ipad Pro was driving them fully but forgot they were on until I laughed out loud and realized it was headphones and not speakers. So, the snugness is not a factor. My audio interface has sufficient power so will probably check them out with the headphone out on that soon.

Yea after using them I feel like they fit great and snugness def not a problem, super comfy on the ears

Not HI-Fi necessarily but calibrated my monitors and subwoofer today which I’ve had turned down because of neighbors. Sounds so good now. I have two floor to ceiling bass traps in the front of the room and still need to add some audio panels and audio diffusers. I have the Owens Corning 703 insulation already in the garage. Just need to have time to build them. Also have a ton of wood I’m going to sand into random sized chunks and make a nice diffuser for my back wall.



Do you run DSP to go completely flat or just let the headphone do the work?

Hey sorry been offline for a while. No, just the headphones, though I am curious to fool around with DSP eventually. Might buy the miniDSP 2x4 for that purpose. I often don’t want flat (as my SR1’s have taught me), but I wouldn’t have to use DSP for flatness. Still, I’d be interested to hear the combo of DSP + dt880, which is the flattest curve I’ve seen in an open-back.

In the 70s the Dead sound guy Owsley “The Bear” Stanley (also the chemist who I’ve supposedly had LSD from a few times) created The Wall of Sound.

This dude is recreating a scaled version of it and it’s pretty damn cool to see.


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I know this exists but not sure how it works. Seemed like something I’d have to DIY? I’m all DIY’ed out at the moment. On Linux, the best I could come up with for systemwide audio was a 5-band parametric EQ. It’s kind of laggy and glitchy too.

They sell a DIY kit (as do a couple other brands) but they also sell a fully assembled unit.

I see from the plugin pdf’s that the 2x4 HD supports a 10-band PEQ whereas the non-HD model supports 5 bands.

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Welp the first batch of HD 8XX apparently shipped and the results are…not good. Apparently they managed to make the shortcomings of the HD 800S worse somehow according to most reviews I’ve seen so far. The notable dip at 2k is even deeper all the way to -11 dB according to one reviewer’s measurements with the 6k peak that everyone hates remaining. Bass is boosted I guess?

Hard to tell how much of this might be people overreacting to a bad set of measurements or something, but at this point I have to agree with what most people were saying before these were released, which is the thing people were really clamoring for was a cheaper version of the original HD 800. That’s what put drop on the map with the 6XX, i.e., a $400-$500 headphone for $200 with no functional changes to its design. A cheaper HD 800 with its known faults for $500-$600 would have been surefire hit.

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Focal Elegia for $399.

Seems like a good price if you qualify. I think the 6XX is still a better deal though.

Drop has the 58X and 6XX on sale again ($129 and $179 respectively). Should be able to get another $10 off or whatever with new customer discount but I didn’t check it. Absolutely unbeatable prices imo if you’ve never heard or owned “good” headphones. They have a good return policy if you just absolutely hate them for some reason.

Whoa wtf? HD 8XX are marked down to $949 from launch price of $1100 (and $47.5 worth of Drop credit). Only took a few highly-opinionated reviewers to tank it. It’s pretty tempting on account of me thinking this is mostly just trolls that have never laid hands on these parroting things they’ve read.

I am looking to upgrade my very basic system. The main problem I have right now is a low-level hum when I play CDs (I think it’s there when I play the radio too).

I don’t think it’s the speakers, but I don’t know for sure.

My speakers are: Paradigm Mini Monitor v.6 I think these were $200 or $300 new?

Tuner: Sony STR-DE197 (el cheapo)

One thought I had it that it’s my shitty wires interfering. I was confused by the quote above–are cables considered a waste of money? I was thinking try new cables first. I had assumed cables were better than my wires, but who knows.

Here are my wires (don’t laugh please). Any thoughts on troubleshooting the hum? Thanks

If it matters I play mostly CDs and listen to local radio (yes, I am an old man).

Do you have any other sources to test in the chain?

You mean like subbing in other speakers or tuners to see if anything changes? No these components are all I have

The hum has been coming and going, it’s really frustrating. After a little internet research, I wondered if it was a ground loop issue. But I tried the recommended solutions and couldn’t isolate it, or modify it at all. Then it went away for a couple days. Now it’s back. :frowning_face:

It would help to know if it’s definitely only on CDs or also coming from the radio too. Right now I’d suspect it has something to do with the speaker wires, but if you have no other components to test then it’s going to be difficult to troubleshoot. Which ground loop things did you try?

The comment about cables is related to, like, companies selling rhodium-plated cables that cost $3k claiming that they do some kind of fairy magic and sound better. Because all you need is cable that can transmit the signal properly and isn’t broken, and there’s no magic bullshit involved with that. Doesn’t mean you can’t have cable problems though obv.

Preface: This isn’t the greatest experimental design for a sensory test but :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:. Would have preferred a triangle test instead of this hierarchical thing since the differences are ridiculously subtle. Doubt you have any chance at all without headphones or monitors.

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4/6. Missed Tom’s Diner, which I thought would be the toughest, but also the classical one which I assumed would be easiest. I think I could get Tom’s Diner now on a re-test tomorrow, but still struggling to pick anything out on the Mozart piece. I plugged Sennheisers straight into laptop since I doubt most people are running an external amp / DAC.

6/6 on WooAudio WA8 > Focal Utopia

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My Dad just moved into a new place where the downstairs neighbor likes to blast her music at ear splitting volume for roughly 1 hour per week. I’m guessing she might be doing a workout or something.

He hasn’t said anything yet, and I’m trying to do everything I can to put that day off as long as possible. It’s not good to have your first interaction with the neighbors, who generally seem to be in their 20s-40s, to be complaining to them or tattling on them to the management. I think he’s a little intimidated, which is working in my favor for the moment.

So I’m looking for some good noise cancelling headphones, emphasis on the noise cancelling part, don’t care about audiophile quality. Also the biggest ear pads possible. He has giant ears like me.