What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Can you dox NBZ for us now please




Out for a cool 1100 profit, sadly didn’t get to tangle with Bruce and donk off to him more.

Tough hand:

1 limper, I pot T864ds (I play and raise like 50% when everyone else only limps and calls). Get 2 callers behind, then BB, and limper come along.

5 see a 842 two tone (I have neither suit).

I check bc I will like almost zero turns, gets checked thru.

Turn 10. Checked to me, I pot, folded to BB who repots. She’s a middle aged lady who seems tight and has shown up with big hands the 2x she’s shown aggression. She’s only got another 200 behind.

Answer in next post

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I fold, she asks to rabbit hunt and it’s a 7. She had the wrap and a FD (she would’ve hit). I felt like that was the overwhelming part of her range and almost put her in, but also felt like TT or other weirdly played set is also possible and probably never has 2 pair or anything else really.

Probably still a shove on my part unless I have a very strong read, but I feel like I pussy out in these spots live where I’d just rip it in without a second thought online. The money just seems more real or something and I have like no live experience.

Luckily I run like god at the Aria.

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I’m not by any means great at PLO but that seems like a fine fold given your description of her. Your hand also is the type of hand good players get huge value from when others have it because the bad players could literally never find a fold there.

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Yes, I think you nailed it. This flop seems great, but I’ve found that it actually isn’t a very good hand at all, but that bad players will way overplay it.

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It’s not a very good hand as you say because as you find out, when you flop 2p there are very, very few good turn/river cards.

Think their range is much less sets than you think, but you’re flipping vs a wrap/FD.

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Dude is legit crazy. Be on the lookout for a knife if you bad beat him

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I probably limp with that hand unless I feel a raise gets it heads-up. I think it works better as 3bet squeeze than as a hand bloating the pot with a bunch of limpers who will call and sometimes backraise.

This is very table-dependent, but this is a spot where I would consider a small flop bet. It does require the ability to read your opponents, so you know when you can pot the turn on a scare card. I’ve been taking lines like third-to-half-pot flop, two-thirds pot on the turn to some success against the right opponents. It helps if they are scared of you and I think people will perceive you as a tight player.

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I think he might have been Cuban. I don’t know if that gives any clues to how he would react if he had heard me say that a little bit of socialism isn’t a bad thing when he was ranting against socialism.

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God damn, there’s a bank of hundred play draw poker machines I want to play. One woman is playing five hands at one credit equals one cent. Another is playing three.

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I was playing 1/3 at the Venetian. Zzzzz $20 win over a couple of hours. Now drinking some beers on strip. Enjoying a maskless night

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Watching my mom play slots is a trip. She’s playing $5 but 3 lines, and her machine shows her balance in credits, but she can’t multiply by 5 (or 2 for that matter) and never knows where she’s at.

So she says stuff like

“Oh that wasn’t much”
“You won $800”
“Really?? That’s good”


“What’s my balance now?”
“Really? It feels like $400”


I just wanna complain that I decided to try out South Florida instead of Vegas, sacrificing some fun for what I thought would be juicier games, but so far the NL games here at the Hard Rock have been incredibly boooorrrring. I know it’s weekdays but fuuuckkkkk. Can’t even really drink at the table the drinks come out so slow!

Limping this kind of hand is by far the worst option. There is so little board texture you like you need the lead to increase your chances of winning. The biggest leak in these plo games is people limping all kinds of crap hoping for miracle boards, instead getting medium strength hands and losing tons.

You do block the sets really hard here so she’s only got 6 combos of them and against 3 of them you have 6 outs which isn’t great but better than nothing. Not sure what the pot was but assuming that last 200 gets in on every river you probably only need something like 35-40% equity to breakeven so if you think she’s got a bunch of wraps with flush draws and shit you can probably just get it in.

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No, those people are trying to hit miracle boards and play for stacks. You can play more hands in limpy games if you know how to pick up small/medium pots without showdown.

It’s amazing how differently you think about poker than me. The way you take down pots without showdown is having the lead, not limping.

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I’m also focused on multi-way pots and never try to iso preflop. My style doesn’t work at higher levels where there are fewer multiway pots. It doesn’t work in online 6max.

I take don’t pots without showdown by playing in position and training people to be afraid of bluffs that represent slowplays.

you seem surprised but i see tons of people play similar to what nbz is describing in live poker. those who never tilt and don’t payoff nits can win money long term at low stakes.