What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Do ducks and geese get to walk around when they’re being fattened for foie gras?

Never eat seafood at vegas buffets, been sick twice

Just looked this up and yes - that is exactly what I mean! You can stratify everything based on status, put the Seven Stars folks at the beginning of the line while Chad and Lisa from Sheboygan sit at the end hoping nobody else is in the mood for fried chicken today. Similarly, you can buy your way up in line, or alternatively put up an additional 20 bucks for a chance to spin the big meat wheel. I could go on and on, it is just amazing to me how little innovation there has been in this space.

Disagree. If you have gotten sick twice in a row , I would double down on the raw oysters. You’re due for a big score.


It’s official, I’m driving up next weekend in my new car. I’m meeting a friend and his wife up there for a little, but doubt I’m gonna spend the whole time with them. We have a top golf session booked saturday, because we’re all golfers and have always wanted to try it.

Other than that I’m not sure what I’m gonna do yet. I always find something, I tend to just go in without a plan and see where the city takes me. Last time I got a great $150 deal on an all day excursion to the grand canyon via helicopter. That was one of the cooler things I’ve done.

What I’m specifically looking for are cool places where I can drive my car as fast as I want without getting in trouble. A track would be great, but after some research I don’t think they let you drive your own car on any of them. Remote desert roads would be good, but I don’t know the surrounding area that well. Any good scenic drives I should take?


There aren’t really many scenic drives, it’s all dirt and sagebrush. But you could do the red rock loop, but it won’t be fast.

You could drive through the virgin river gorge to St George, Utah. That’s an interesting drive once you get past mesquite.

O/U on number speeding tickets jmakin gets on this trip?

It’s 1.

I thought it was a tossup between 1 and 0.5.

With 1 I snap take the under, unless odds on o/u are substantially different.

I also like the under, since jmakin passes for white and is drawing extremely live to get off with a warning even if he gets pulled over.

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You’re right. .5 is right.

What kind of car did you get?

I hear this model handles well driving at high speed through the desert.


Truth in advertising

I got a challenger

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1-2 hour drive: Red Rock canyon (recommend) , or Boulder Dam (don’t recommend)
2-3 hour drive: north on 167 along lake mead shoreline to 169 through the valley of fire (recommend)

Best place to speed: 95 north out past the Death Valley turnoff. In good weather, speed limit is whatever is safe
15 is just too crowded

Thanks! I may do one of these.

If you go out the 95 North way you can drive up to the top of Charleston peak and back. There’s a couple of food places up there, and they’ve added some nice overlooks. Last time I was up there I found a paved walking trail and at the end was a bunch of placards detailing the areas history of nuclear weapons testing. It’s about an hour and 15 minutes from the strip to the peak of the mountain, maybe a bit faster if you avoid rush hour. Even though it gets fairly remote I wouldn’t speed out there. There’s some significant police presence on and around the mountain. Just make sure you’re OK on gas before heading up, there’s no stations on the mountain.

I like driving up the southern road (Kyle Canyon Rd. 157) then at the top cutting across to the north road (Lee Canyon 156) and heading down. It’s a straight road with tons of visibility. It’s a unique view to be up around 8000ft. looking down a straight road to the bottom of the mountain. Plus going up there can get you out of the heat, it’s usually about 20 to 30 degrees cooler up there than in Vegas.

Neat, I found the old pictures on my phone.


Personally driven all of these. All desert drives. I left off Mount Charleston because I wasn’t impressed. If you’ve seen West coast mountains you’ve seen better. It’s main attraction is lower temp.

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There’s lot of cool drives if you have a vehicle with any offroad capability. Endless miles of roads/trails I have been exploring in my Subaru. But fast driving? I wouldn’t know. Foresters are not fast.