What are you reading?

LOL, is there any news on book 3? I really enjoyed the first two, especially #1, but these fantasy guys I don’t know what the fuck their problem is with getting around to finishing these things.


I read Shadow of the Wind long ago. It was excellent.

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I put my lovely wife and the kind worth killing on my list as something different to read, i mostly read nonfiction but needed a break and so I’m giving My lovely wife a try. Its hard to put down for sure, I started at bedtime and didn’t want to stop.

Will report back when i finish.

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Finished it today, blew through it. Enjoyed it a lot even though I think you can see the ending coming.


I’m listening to Bring Up the Bodies on CD (thanks library)

The author is so good.

Rutger Bregman was on Yangs podcast and talked a little bit about his new book “Humankind: A Hopeful History”.

I think I’m going to read it just because I need a shot of hope right now.

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I am spending long hours every day on THE WINDS OF WINTER, and making steady progress. I finished a new chapter yesterday, another one three days ago, another one the previous week. But no, this does not mean that the book will be finished tomorrow or published next week. It’s going to be a huge book, and I still have a long way to go. Please do not give any credence to any of the click-bait websites that like to parse every word of my posts as if they were papal encyclicals to divine hidden meanings.


Go sit on a rusty pole turd

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Is he the most hated popular author of all time?

He will be the most loved popular author if he manages to resurrect our adoration for GoT

That’s to GRRM not you RF

So I sat on this rusty pole for nothing



Don’t pull it back now :)

I’ll have to read this. Lakoff’s “Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things” is one of the most profound books on psychology/philosophy that I’ve read. It basically helped push academic psychology in a different direction.


Thanks a bunch. Downloaded like 10 and sent some to a legal academic friend who works on incarceration and criminal justice policy.

Picked up Maria Konnikova’s (psychology phd, New Yorker writer) new book “The Biggest Bluff” about poker and her experience going from a rank novice to a pro (PCA winner) in a year or so under the tutelage of Eric Seidel.

It’s a pretty interesting story of particular interest to poker people. Got through about half yesterday and it definitely held my interest. A lot of engaging tidbits about people who helped her along the way Seidel, Harrington, Haxton, and others. I’m a little behind the times and there’s a variety of content about the current state of the poker scene.



I’ve basically only been reading non-fiction and fantasy for the past several years. I guess I’m looking for escapism with fantasy; I don’t care how beautiful the prose is in a book about someone slowly dying from cancer or something, I’m old and have lived through all that shit and just want to experience something else. FITZ AND THE FOOL is one of my favorite relationships ever in a series. I’m a pretty large adult son-man, 6’2" 195lbs, and I’ve got a black beard now because why not during rona, and people come up to me with “Sir, you’re intimidating. Sir, you look like a large dangerous man and do you even know how to read?” And I tell them about how the fantastic, lasting, tested relationship between Fitz and the Fool has made me tear up. Just a burly bro on the couch with a quick cry because goddamn let’s feel a little life and friendship.


Just finished the Liveship books (these were excellent, better than the 1st set of books) and I’m on the 2nd book of the Tawny Man trilogy. I kind of had a mental breakdown (spoiler is from Fools Errand) when Nighteyes died, that shit really hit me. I’m pumped to read the rest of the saga and I’m pretty sure I still have 10 books to go which is awesome


She’s a guest on this week’s Thinking Poker podcast.