We got him

Up now: Bill Clinton’s bimbo squad. And a bimbo eruption!

How do people watch this?

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Put on your Ashli deserved it shirt.


Where does MuellerSheWrote go to get her apology???


I’ve read a lot of speculation, but nothing definitive (b/c the situation has never come up before). The one thing that seems clear is that the obligation to protect him doesn’t go away. Keeping agents in a cell seems wild, so my hunch is that the service will work with the jail to come up with a bunch of rules that keep Trump isolated and protected while not requiring an agent to be regularly present in the gen pop areas of the prison. It’s also a stone cold lock that the logistical difficulty of maintaining Service protection will be an argument Trump puts forward to try to keep him out of jail both before trial and at sentencing if he is convicted [he’ll argue for house arrest at one of his golf courses or something]

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This attorney on Tucker is wild. “Well we don’t know what the actual charges are. But we know for certain they’re not true.”


The US is now a third world nation. A nation in decline. I really want to be president.

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Oh boy it’s Jason Whitlock. What on earth?

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CNN assembling the avengers for tonight’s show


The fact that some people on this forum voted harms absolutely blows my mind.

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Paging Sweet Summer Child if you think DJT will ever do any jail time.


Can Trump count that high?

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“If you come for the king, you best not miss.”
-Jake Tapper


he’s not a brilliant decision maker, and his self promotion is old and tired. this is just giving him more rope to do something dumb. like he’s going to admit to those charges multiple times, in the stupidest way possible. if there’s a trial, his lawyers will have trouble keeping him shut up

He will admit it several times.

There will never ever be a trial.

It won’t hurt him at all and in fact will likely help him.


You can make the case it won’t hurt him for sure, not sure anyone can make a good case about it helping him for the general

The reason I believe it helps him is that the less-hardcore MAGA types for him his schtick has gotten a little stale will be reinvigorated, at least a bit. I can conceive of it making no difference, but I’m also very sure it doesn’t hurt him, at all.

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50% of the country are a hoard of mindless zombies whose only sustenance is outrage. This is like giving them a lifetime pass to an all you can eat outrage buffet.