Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Sign Up and Categories

Well done everyone! All entries appear to be in, so now it’s time for me (and Pauwl) to hand out all the submissions and the disappointment can commence.

I must admit I took a while to motivate myself to get all my entries sorted, but now that I have it is an absolute certainty that I will win at least half the categories.

After entries have been passed on I will set up a reveal thread - might not get to that until tomorrow.

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Oh wait I jumped the gun just a little - just need Yuv to finish up his and send them in. I’ll pass on the entries within 24 hours of his submissions coming through.

@pauwl do soundtrack songs include song used on movies. Like technically Gimme Shelter was part of the Goodfellas soundtrack.even though it wasn’t technically made for it

Yes, but it doesn’t have to have been. I read Pauwl’s category as specifically being about providing that soundtrack feel if that makes sense. So Gimme Shelter would probably be a bad submission imo, but not for the reason you’re asking about.

Think clarification might lead to changing answers for me

Category definitions:
It could be from a movie but doesn’t have to be. Just something that you can picture being in a movie or playing during a scene in your life even.”

eta: Gimme Shelter gets last place

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Gotta change it then

Yeah Pauwl made the category deliberately pretty wide open so you could concentrate more on the feel you get from the track rather than meeting particular requirements. It doesn’t need to have been used as part of any soundtrack (for movies or otherwise) but it can if you want it to.

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All entries are in! I am waiting on a few joker confirmations, but I can start sending entries out before that so I will see how far I can get tonight. We have 10 participants, so you should get 9 entries sent through to you.

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Also wanted to add - when I compile these for each participant (which takes a lot longer than I remembered) I try to randomize the order so you aren’t getting them in the order they were submitted.


thanks for doing all this work. much appreciated.


Ok, you should all have received your entries now. If you are celebrating the holidays with family or friends, either in person or virtually, do take the opportunity to regale them with your rankings.

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No we all did tons of work on your category. You better suck it up mister!

Er - good job!

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Ok watch - I’ll do one I’ve never thought of before in real time.

Luke Bryan Adams

There - that took literally 5 seconds.

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I have to say I’m initially impressed with my entries. At least half made me chuckle.


I never got to use Leonard Skinny Puppy cuz I don’t really like either band.

I came up with a bunch of fun ones for bands I don’t really like lol

Yeah Skinny and Skynyrd is kind of pushing it.

Now if you did Lynyrd SkyN.E.R.D. - that would be perfectly applicable.

Btw how far ahead of their time was Skynyrd in the white girl thing of putting y’s in place of i’s in all their kids names?

I never heard of Mac Demarco. But Fleetwood Mac Miller would make me laugh.

I deleted it cuz I might be spoilering people’s actual entries. We can trade some during your reveal.

Eminem C Hammer