Ukrainian Derail

he gave a reference now and it was very hard to understand what you are seeking reference on when quoting unrelated posts. either ignore him or discuss it.

First off, he didn’t. Someone else did.

Second, I didn’t fucking post that, but I don’t see him going after huehue, instead he’s throwing bullshit at me, goofy and others. In fact, I don’t remember him saying a damn thing about huehue at all.

I think that’s the part about ghoulishness, but I don’t think that really encompasses the whole “danger of blaming the masses” part. I think that’s literally dangerous and not just a matter of correctly assigning blame or excusing ones own ghoulishness. Making the perpetrators others, if indeed you’re talking about millions of people who are obviously very ordinary, is like saying this could never happen with Americans or Australians. We’re different than Germans. And, that sort of thinking can also, the things we did were excusable. We’re not like the Germans. Mostly it’s about looking at why the Germans were like that and how, if at all, are our circumstances like theirs. What are danger signs? War? Patriotism? I think that’s more important than assigning moral responsibility or not.

And I think have done a great job of arguing this case, considering.


I never implied you posted it. Back to you not being able to read.

I didn’t say anything about huehue. I like him. He’s great. That was kind of uncharacteristic of him. But again, in the post you were replying to, I didn’t mention a video of any kind and wasn’t thinking of any video.

bullshit, fuck off.

That’s me implying that you watched it, not that you posted it.

eta: and again this is where I said you were going to be stupid. It’s an example of the ghoulishness of this thread and what you are doing here–like what the people were doing in the dead covid people thread, but I guess I should give up on you understanding anything that complicated.

It’s much worse than that. I didn’t even notice that video, and very likely had no sound on. Again, it’s purely imaginative bullshit from micro.

You’re a very dumb person.

Like, ChrisV, how am I supposed to have explained this better talking to someone like this? Like, I can’t use examples? Analogies are impossible? He’s expecting me to divine things that he’s thinking but not writing? I guess it’s just a waste.

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Micro dude that video got near no discussion. You can view the link, someone actually posted it. You didn’t even notice it afaict. 20-ish posts from you between today and that video. No one cared about that video. You clearly had it pointed out to you later, and now are trying to use it to sully an entire group of people because you’re bored. GMAFB. Or at least throw it in the face of someone who actually paid it any attention or posted it.

I mean, fuck, you could have said “what video” way back then if that was sticking in your craw. What the actual fuck?

Yeah, I was sort of taking as read that everyone agrees with this part. The dispute is where jman is like but, it’s ALSO important that we acknowledge that Nazi soldiers Made A Choice and therefore Bear Responsibility. But… is it? Like the idea that 1930s Germans were not fundamentally different to other people leads to a whole bunch of conclusions about how to avoid Nazism happening again. What is the consequence of saying They Chose? Are you saying they should go to jail? Apparently not. So, what then? Why is it so important to agree to something that amounts to an emotional framing of what happened?

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lol see ya never micro

how does this help your argument? You stated three times that Micro is not providing reference “and there’s a good reason why”. It appears that reason was that microbet sucks at searching, as that video was in fact posted here.

Did you mean to imply that microbet sucks at searching? Because otherwise you probably should apologize for being wrong about his reasoning for not providing a reference here.

He also did not write or imply that you posted it. So the use of “bullshit” here seems fairly misguided.

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This is you being stupid again. Do you contend that there’s not a fair amount of ghoulishness in this thread? If not, then stfu. If so, fine. It’s too late to argue about it. Whatever. But I don’t think you’ll disagree with the general assessment.

Moron, when you replied to a post where I wasn’t talking about that video I failed to divine what you were talking about.

There still is a good reason why. It has nothing to do with me at all. He created a narrative about how bloodthirsty I was is over one video that didn’t involve me whatsoever and was barely noticed at all by anyone. Do me a favor and leave me alone, I can’t ignore your bullshit.

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Here’s a screenshot of me trying to figure out if maybe you were talking about that video.

I genuinely hadn’t read this thread or the Uk one for a few months, but still read about 98% of this forum and thought they actually had just started solely posting on their own forum tbh.

170 new posts in the Ukraine thread, have the nukes flown? …oh


The opposite is true, you should always blame the masses and that is where the lessons are learned! Putin, like every other dictator, is a mere mortal man who couldn’t do shit without the passionate support of tens of millions and the passivity of many millions more.

What is the lesson to be learned? Take dangerous populist leaders both seriously and literally, and don’t risk giving them power based on the politics of the moment because you may set your country on an irreversible course.

Americans made that mistake with Trump, and only the most willfully obtuse will deny it at this point. We were very lucky to get out with the damage we did from his Presidency, and are not out of the woods yet.