Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I don’t think the US is a Good Guy here

Nobody does. I’d extend that to saying that we don’t actually have a dog in any Eastern European fight and should stop pretending like we do.

Why doesn’t he? I doubt he’s going to defend the actions of the British Empire. He’s not talking down to Americans: He’s legitimately criticizing America.

Hey our atrocities were over 100 years ago and therefore quaint and charming. But yeah, England is going to top the net evil done charts for a loooong time. You guys just have better tech that’s why your holocausts are more efficient.

there are lot of legitimate points about authorization for invasion in Afghanistan, and airstrikes on qaddafi’s forces in libya. in both cases NATO forces acted with unanimous consent of the UN security council. putin could have but didn’t veto. at other times the UN didn’t just consent but requested NATO command for military involvement. but none resulted in annexation or dictated borders between states (alluding to eventual partition of yugoslavia). we should have the broader public discourse on wealth wasted in foreign nation building projects to contractors.

but at this point in history, the immediate need is to prevent a large scale russian intervention in ukraine. which is like 90% of nato’s charter and mission, a mutual plan of defense for memberstates and major allies.

Is Ukraine a member state? It seems like NATO has quite a list of exceptions to the “mobilize ONLY in the event an intervention breaches the borders of member-states” that you opined. And Afghanistan and Libya were the most obvious ways to point that out to you.

Heh my post got cut off. The US isn’t some kind of superhero and we do horrible shit, but also a free Ukraine is probably a good thing for the world. In terms of pure self-interest America leaving our long-standing partners out to dry isn’t great.

This is the hottest thread in New York. This thread has it all


-Keed keeeeeeeeding an actual straight-faced justification for massive invasion of a sovereign nation by Russia for a second time when it should be abundantly clear after Crimea that Ukraine poses no threat whatsoever to Russia

-a Brit laughably criticizing LITERALLY ANY OTHER NATION over expansionist policies…does the god damn sun set on your Empire yet???

-a slew of otherwise-thoughtful people who have no clue what NATO is or exists for


Your entire post is a fucking joke, but in particular…


He doesn’t own the sins of his nation any more than you own what happened in Iraq. Of course he can criticize other nations. Otherwise, how can you as an American legitimately criticize Russia?


Not all of them lol. And let’s be real the American empire is just the certified pre-owned English empire.


i mean the UN held a whole assembly on terrorism, discussing how they don’t have to happen over land borders, and can happen with covert government support, which made the case that it is equivalent to territorial invasion in terms declarative war. but yeah, you totally gotchaed me.

yeah - wtf is that about?


I mean, you are right that NATO will definitely find a way to justify whatever it is they want to do. Doesn’t mean I have to swallow the shit sandwich they’ve prepared.

I mean in a sense I own them. A large portion of my relative wealth comes from the fact that I was born in a country that hoovered up the riches of the natural world at the barrel of a gun. I have an easy life compared to 90% of the planet in large part because my predecessors were murderous genocidal bastards.


That’s not even true anymore unless you’re in the top 5-10% of England by income. It’s kind of incredible how much things have materially improved for the median person on planet earth over the last 30-40 years.

Actually I think we do, not just the Empire, most superpowers of the past and present. We will never repay what we did to the African continent for the last 500 years. We might not be the perpetrators but we are still the profiteers of this actions.

Ok well then fall back to the second part of my point: The hypocrisy of an American telling anybody they have no right to criticize America due to their nations past or present conduct, while also at the same time criticizing Russia. Nobody can still possibly believe that America is A GLOBAL FORCE FOR GOOD in the world, can they? I mean, if they do we shouldn’t actually be taking them seriously.

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Do you even know what NATO does? Because right now, all I see is someone flinging poo at the wall.

As they say, better to fling poo than to eat a shit sandwich.

BTW is “fling poo” the new “Bad Faith!” for when you disagree with or don’t understand an argument?

So what is your red line then? I mean if nobody is good and nobody is allowed to criticize because they dont walk like Jesus over this planet what would be a reason where you would say its ok that we raise our voices. This thread is the perfect example why I should not give a fuck about climate change. Saving this fucked up world where the majority rather stands by when genocide and other atrocities happen is not worth saving.

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