Ukraine, Russia, and the West

This could be the ultimatum. Surrender now or we’re going to kill every military-age male left in the city when we take power.

Anyone else think there’s a subtext to the statements of the last few hours?

Best I can tell, around 3:30 to 3:45 EST, Russia gives Ukraine an ultimatum: surrender Mariupol or else.

Around 4:00 to 4:15 EST the US says they’ll support NATO allies deploying troops to Ukraine.

100%. It’s going to get very hard for NATO in general, and countries like Poland in particular, to sit on their hands while Russia murders an entire city.

My guess is that NATO will attempt to delineate it as such:

  • No NATO countries will attack Russian soil
  • A Russian attack on NATO soil triggers Article 5
  • Little/no nuclear powers’ troops on Ukrainian soil

My guess is that they will tell Poland that if they want NATO troops in so badly, they can send them in, and the US will backfill their troops on Polish soil. So the US helps with the logistics of moving troops in, but doesn’t put the troops of a nuclear power on the battlefield against another nuclear power.

So this guy Bortnikov is responsible for maintaining domestic security, which means keeping tabs on public opinion, beating up and imprisoning protestors, and shooting, poisoning, or balcony-launching Putin’s enemies. And there’s every reason to believe that, unlike the foreign intelligence guys, he’s very good at his job and Putin trusts him. Except Putin is paranoid, so even sowing the smallest doubt might have some effect. Anyway, I bet Bortnikov isn’t too happy about this particular piece of Ukrainian propaganda.

“Bort” means something like edge/side/flange in Russian. Out of any context of being someone’s name “bortnik” could easily be understood to mean “man on the edge”. Seems like it might be fitting.

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The original tweet itt says this is a Ukrainian anti-tank missile. According to wiki, range up to ~5 km.

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Literally an edgelord.

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“Mate that distance is longer than Putin’s conference table.”


It’s not what they were saying (sorry to be a killjoy), but still very funny.

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Yeah, I was watching it thinking of this:


Rather apt, considering your avatar.

Edit: that is the pilot dude out of Airplane, right?

Aww damnit.

Although based on the time to hit the target (13 sec?) it didn’t seem like it could be as far away as the subtitle comment implied so should’ve guessed.

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They seem to be making it up as they go.

Stand listens to Alex Jones


Fentanyl is a hell of a drug.

Man it is really only a matter of time before the Jews being behind all this becomes a matter of faith for these people. Or maybe Vlad’s talk of “cleansing” just got me a little nervous.

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Small addendum to this that didn’t occur to me when I posted it - the Russian term for “(man) overboard” is “za bort”. It primarily means the side of a ship.