Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Well, there’s that and the fact that Africa isn’t as bad as people think. There’s about 10 African countries with GDP per capital in excess of Ukraine.

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Agreed, but this attitude is 100% opposite to the moral panic around russias current actions. Hey it’s a tough world sometimes countries get subjugated chillax (1500 - Jan 2022) vs this singular moral evil must not be allowed to stand if we have any hope for the world (Last week - Present day).

Your first sentence may very well be true, but the 2nd sentence isn’t great evidence for that.

I don’t care about justification of something in the 1800s. I think it’s quite different. The Texas revolution wasn’t simply the USA seeding a revolution. It was far more than that. Ukraine didn’t have more than half their territory try to break away because they got mad at Ukraine’s central government this decade.

NATO isnt just USA, but joining NATO without having increased ties to the USA or without USA involvement seems impossible to me without a fundamental reshaping of NATO that basically no one thats part of the alliance is advocating for (i.e. a NATO without the US). Thats why I was curious what you were envisioning.

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Yeah, the Belgians aren’t exactly the feared military force that would-be NATO members are looking to have as a deterrent.

Yeah, but Texas Revolution is secondary to the Mexican American War as an analog for this situation, right?

The Republic of Texas included land both recognized by Mexico and land disputed by Mexico. So the USA goes and occupies the disputed part, intentionally provoking a defensive attack from Mexico, then uses that as a pretext to invade non-disputed parts of Mexico.

It’s different in the sense that all things are always different, but can’t you come pretty close to swapping the proper nouns here to describe the current situation?

I don’t approve of the trolling, but I do have a general question about how much is Russia’s interest in Ukraine driven by the fact that much of Russia is not very hospitable to habitation, farming, or easy productive use. A lot of land, but not a lot of good land. (Somewhat like Canada) Basically, Russia wants to maintain control over Ukraine because it’s one of the better parts of geography in the Russian sphere and helps ensure Russian food security, etc.

Note that Russia has a natural advantage for exercising influence over Ukraine, but they seem to have forfeited that right by being terrible at it, at least in the minds of Ukrainians.

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Is there any analysis of different scenarios of just how painful sanctions might be for Russia and how much pain the US and Europe would feel?

Oh yeah, agreed. I’m just saying that someone fretting about turning Ukraine into a shithole African country probably have an invalid image of what “Africa” is like.

Apart from being offensive to Africans the term shithole African country is just plain wrong anyway.

That’s the point. The percentage of people I’ve met who have even a basic understanding of the facts about Africa is a vanishingly small percentage.


Meanwhile on the “liberal” network




it has already wiped out at least 5% of stonks wealth

Geopolitical Expert, Candi Owns.

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This in between calling for an American invasion of Canada.

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Biden only 80 minutes late. Must have been finishing lunch.

Blames America for the aggressions of a ruthless dictator but ignores the influence the US has exerted in Central & South America that led directly to the surge of asylum seekers fleeing their homelands because of the violence of right wing juntas, corrupt governments and roving gangs.

All that can be tied directly to American interventionism.

This speech…

Sanctions and if Putin does more we have MORE sanctions.

Check and mate.