Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I’m far from convinced from what I read there, but would be super good news if true.

Even if they abandon the war now, who is going to pay to rebuild the country? Putin just gets away with destroying their country and then withdrawing his troops and everyone settles for that? Seems pretty shitty. What about that 630 billion that’s frozen, what happens if we say “well, actually, you caused 250 billion’s worth of damage, so we’ll just take it out of that”?

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I’m sure the West will swoop in and offer to rebuild in exchange for their corporations owning half the country and paying little in domestic taxes


Isn’t Minsk in Belarus? Did you mean Donbas?

Hardly a punitive measure for Vlad though, is it?

I’m sure some sanctions will be lifted, but more will remain than before. Probably personal sanctions and seizures with the money being used to rebuild Ukraine


Stop Nord Stream 2 and force Russia to continue paying fees to Ukraine to transport gas.

This is a crazy thing not being talked about. It could basically break the framework on which the whole airline industry operates and will have huge implications for Russia no matter how this all ends. It will also drive up costs globally for flying and could force insurers to prohibit travel to and from some regions for the long term.

In before the new national slogan is “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”


They sort of have no choice in a way as the vast majority of aircraft in Russia are owned by foreign companies who have clauses in the contract that under sanctions all planes must be returned.



The problem I see with this guys argument is that the interests of Ukraine clearly include making sure Russia don’t go for round three in 5-10 years.
So finlandization with the prospect of Trump winning again in 2024 doesn‘t seem like a scenario that guarantees Ukraine’s independence - especially since one other condition will be that Russia pays for damages (won’t happen) of lets Ukraine have a Special economic partnership with the EU (Full membership would not really work at their level of development)


I don’t know how we just let this guy stay in charge of the country but it appears all other options are even worse.

Sanctions are good even if it doesn’t cause regime change. It deprives the country $$$ which means their ability to wage war goes down.

If enough Russians are impacted, starve, unemployed, Putin will be pre-occupied with an internal revolt rather than looking at other countries to invade.

You’re a fucking psychopath dude.


Come on guy, it worked for Iraq and Saddam. Why can’t it work in Russia? Give mass starvation a chance!

oh damn I forgot to check notes, anyone know if it did actually work in Iraq?

It is moral to punish civilian populations for the bad actions of their ruling class because by not overthrowing them those civilians are defacto supporting those actions.

Osama Bin Laden September 10th 2001