Ukraine, Russia, and the West

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Not sure if this guy knows what he’s talking about, but he seems to.

Oh good, was about to say we should nuke anyone making 42 tweet threads

What if 1930s Japan provides a useful model for predicting how Putin will act?

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Lol Russia solid work

Poland should just give the MiG’s to Russia. Ukrainian farmers will be towing them to airstrips within the week.


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What could be used to incentivize Putin to withdraw from conflict that doesn’t inadvertently encourage future invasion efforts? Can’t just be removal of sanctions, not juicy enough.

Just think Putin knows his military is being exposed as way less elite than he wants the world to believe & that this war effort isn’t sustainable long term for myriad reasons. Think he wants an out, and think he’d be unlikely to try again at attacking neighbors given current invasion’s floundering nature.

But what to offer I have no idea, and how to make sure you don’t create incentive for future invasion gestures for the sake of prize offerings I also don’t know.

I wonder how realistic picture Putin is getting of how it’s going.

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Maybe this will get those jets moving.

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I’ve always thought the Iranian government was far more West friendly than the Saudis, but they have fewer oil resources so they get treated worse.

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My client is producing a product by fermentation at a facility here. My field of expertise.

I myself have some expertise in products made by fermentation. AMA


Check your sarcasm detector. Or do I need to check mine?

I was thinking about this too. Japan wanted to conquer China. The US didn’t want them to and imposed crippling sanctions. Japan decided they would rather risk war with the US, which they knew would be difficult, than withdraw from China. The Japanese felt that a policy too accommodating to the West and a defensive perimeter too small would lead to domestic political trouble including assassinations and rebellion.

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Read an analysis like this, arguing we’ve maybe cornered Russia too much economically. I guess they still have oil and their own wheat.

Edit: link The Russian Sanctions Regime and the Risk of Catastrophic Success - War on the Rocks

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This explains why I was randomly logged out of my Spotify account this morning. Huh